A Stranger In The Hall

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You don't speak to John for a couple of times, you don't even see him for a bit and you're glad, though it sounds bad.
You go to work and spend time with Flint and the others, and you could tell that they were being careful around you. It's not like you were dangerous or violent, you just cried a lot.
The exhibition was coming up in a few days now, where had the time gone? It seemed like so much had happened over the past few days. You look up at the clock, it seems like the day was going by slowly, fuck my life.

You feel better when you get home, a hot cup of tea was always the way to go. You even called your parents to let them know how everything was going so far, telling them that the exhibition was coming in a few days and how the artworks were going smoothly.
You just finished the conversation when you hear a bang and you quietly move to the door to peek out into the hallway. Your heart is pounding against your chest when you see John... And he's drenched in red.

Is that blood?

You don't make a sound as you watch him struggle to open his door. Something had happened to him but you had a feeling that he was alright... Something wasn't right about him and you didn't want to walk into his business. 


He whispers sharply before managing to open the door. Something fall from his pocket as he throws himself into his room and slams the door shut. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you go to see what he had dropped. The closer you got, the more your own blood ran cold.

Why was he carrying a finger on him?

You're terrified now and you stare at the finger for a few moments. You suddenly hear the sound of footsteps heading back to the door so you turn and rush back into your room just in time for John's door to open. He found the finger and disappeared once again.
He was hiding something and you wanted to know.


You sit in front of the television sipping a glass of white wine.

Fuck the read wine.

Your mind goes back to the severed finger in front of John's door and how he's drenched in blood.

What did he do? He must have killed someone. Your fear meter rises and you place the wine glass down, who did he kill? A sudden knock on the door makes you jump. There was no way you're going to answer.

It's John.

You sit back and make sure that the television volume was down, you didn't want him to know that you were most likely awake.

Go away, please go away.

You wake up to find that you're in your bed. The television is turned off which you find rather off. You usually keep it on if you were in similar situations. 
There's a sudden creaking sound out in the hallway and you slowly get out of bed even though you were terrified. 
It was footsteps, slow steady footsteps were making their way up the hallway towards your apartment.

'Shit, shit, shit!'

You whisper as you move over to the door to check if it's locked. To your horror it wasn't, how the hell could I have missed that... The door was locked when I was awake, I swear!
You're quick to lock the door, trying to make as little noise as possible before making your way into the kitchen.

What's happening?

Before, this place was warm and welcoming, but now? You weren't feeling welcomed at all. Your blood ran cold when you heart the doorknob shake. Someone was trying to get inside.

Thank fuck I woke up in time.

You could've been killed in your sleep or you could have someone standing over you whilst you were in bed. The thought sent shivers down your spine and you find that your mouth had gone dry.

Stay calm.

Is it John? It can't be John?

You look down at your phone, call him, you do just that and you wait... You hear a phone ring but it's not at the door... It sounded like the phone was in John's-.

'(Y/N)? Hey'.

John's voice is shrouded in sleep and you suddenly feel bad waking him.

'There's someone out in the hall, they tried to get into my apartment'.

There's a moment of silence and then John spoke, 'the doors locked right?'


'I'm coming'.

'No! John they might be out there!'

You don't want him to get hurt, it wasn't him out in the hallway, so the both of you were in danger.
You hear footsteps and then a knock on the door, '(Y/N)? Are you okay?' You recognize John's deep voice and you're quick to open the door to him, 'John!' You manage to pull him into the room, 'there was someone out there! I swear, they tried to get into my apartment, I woke up at one point and my door was unlocked I- I think someone came into my room'.

'What? That can't be, I've got security, I'll check'.

'Have you had this before?'

He shakes his head, 'no, I haven't had this before', he holds you gently when you realize that you're shaking but you're not so sure whether or not it was because you were cold.

'Hey... Look I'll go and check the-'.

'Stay with me'.

You beg him to stay, you don't want to be alone any second, you'd seen enough horror movies to know that you were no t meant to be alone.
John's hand hold yours tightly, 'alright, alright I won't leave you', he pulls you into his chest and holds you tight, 'you go to sleep and I'll keep a look out', you don't care right now, you just want to be near him, you don't want to be alone.

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