Two sentence horror stories!

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Tw: D3ath, m*rder, Dr*wning.

Number one: Alex!

Alex: I heard my brother call me to come play with him in the pool. 

Alex: ...It's strange because he drowned when he was six.

Number Two: John!

John: Everyone called me smiler because I lit up a room when I smiled

John: Only they weren't smiling back when I stopped breathing for the first time.

Number Three: Lafayette

Lafayette: Everyone liked when I put on shows for them, being a puppet and all.

Lafayette: They cheered when I died on stage as well. 

Number Four: Hercules

Hercules: Everyone called me the tailor.

Hercules: Because I sew the bodies together when I get finished with them. (HE DOESN'T K1LL INNOCENT PEOPLE GUYS, CALM DOWN) 

Number Five: Aaron

Aaron: Everyone said I was the reason for my wife's death.

Aaron: Bane didn't mean to, it was an accident.

For context: Huntsmen AU ( assassins), Bane is Aaron's "familiar" demon, Bane is like Sukuna except he's nicer and you don't have to get rid of him or else g3noc1d3. The first time Bane showed up, Theodosia and Aaron were married and happy... Bane accidentally killed her. She was able to be revived but she lost all her memories of Aaron.

Let me know if you guys want a part two!

It was fun making this ngl-

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