Graphic-ish shit in the actual Huntsmen AU story

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-pops my head out-

Hey y'all, so,

I'd like to talk about something serious about my Huntsmen story.

I know I've been giving a lot of hype about my Hamilton AU "The Huntsmen." Which if you don't know, consists of all the musical characters and a few original characters I made.

If you don't know about the huntsmen AU: It is an AU where the Hamilton characters are depicted as demon, dragon or other humanoid creatures as assassins set in present time. However some of the original beginnings of the story go back to the 80s, specifically the story of George Washington. 

Each back story of the characters will be told in Files.

I.E: "The File of [First Name, Last Name]"

I will be putting a disclaimer in the very beginning of the story, mentioning all the trigger and content warnings.

As that story may be written by a young person such as myself it will not be for people who cannot handle graphic depictions of violence, graphic images of violence, or crimes. These crimes include m*rder. 

I am very excited to be developing this AU and I cannot wait to share it with everyone because I started making this story a while back.

The characters I have made for this story are

Lookamania Funtime

Amanavanya Funtime

Elizabeth Movonatone



Melanie Lafayette-Mulligan.

I will update this chapter if I have anymore characters to add

I have altered many of the original characters in the musical.

I have added actual people from History into this story. The following are included in this story:

Benjamin "Tallboy"Tallmadge

Nathaniel "Ward" Pendleton

Nathan "Hailstorm" Hale

Nathan "Sprout" Greene

Richard "Richie" Meade

Catherine (Kitty) Livingston

Marie Antoinette (her husband which I forgot the name of-)

Adrienne La-Fayette

Benedict Arnold

Thomas Paine

Charlotte Mecklenburg...something

I am very excited to share this story with y'all.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program! ❤️

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