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    Miko stared at her planted sakura tree from across her room, wondering if it needed to be cared for, Miko was very fond of plants, but quite envious of them too.  The way they were cared for, only objective for the owner was it to live. She finished watering the tree, blowing away whatever idea came into her head, it didn't matter, she had one too many tasks to worry about at the moment. Suddenly a knock at her door. It took her aback, no one knocks almost ever unless they have emergencies that need to be handled, she sighed assuming of that might be what that is, she was somewhat excited to find out what was waiting for her beyond that door.

  She wiped off her foolish smirk before opening the door, Ei stood with a novel in hand, a new one, not sure which one but Miko wasn't that familar with it. After a while of staring at the book Ei held the book in front of her face to get Miko to come to her senses. "Oh, Ei what is it that you need from me?" she said in a casual manner despite being mildly surprised by the Shogun's visit. "What is this, explain?" Ei gave Miko a dark yet confused look, Yae was disappointed she couldn't read Ei, it's as if she was playing poker face her entire life.

"Miko." Yae was snapped out of it, "My apologies." Only one question popped into her head when Ei asked, "Did you read it?" Miko looked up from looking down at the novel in Ei's hand. "Ah, yes, but that wasn't my question." Baal began tapping her foot, "Then it's a novel of course." Miko gave her a sly look. "I am aware. Why is it about you and I?"

   Now I see it, Ei was flustered by the attention Miko gave her with a full novel. As an archon, Ei should be used to attention, maybe it's me who made her flustered. What an introvert, she snickered.

"Mm? Do you not like it?" Yae leaned forward trying to make her squirm or any reaction, no reaction. Ei looked behind Miko gesturing that she wishes to step inside the shrine for a bit. Yae nodded and held the door for her.

"You're telling me you let this slip as a novel? I thought we talked about this." She shifted uncomfortably and handed her the novel. Miko gave her a pleased stare as she took the book gracefully from her hands, there it is, that glance to the side she does. Miko began to read the book and her eyes squinted as she read the book, "Huh, I take it I skimmed through this a bit to fast, I don't understand why you look so uncomfortable by this novel?" .

"Its- ah, people think of it as a romantic kind of thing.. excuse me." Ei shuffled a bit in her tense looking stance. "Ha. I'm sure it's nothing, it'll blow over, don't fret." Miko placed a hand over her own mouth while smirking.

"Alright. I trust your words, dont let me down."Ei's face turned from a worried and vulnerable look to a stone cold stare. It's as if the electricity from her zapped down Mikos spine (😳), she stared back hiding her thoughts. "Until we meet again Ei." she waved goodbye as the woman in purple walked out.

Miko gave a sigh of relief as all the electro energy faded out of the room. If only she stayed for a bit longer, Miko thought disappointed. She decided to clean a bit around the shrine since it was a day off for her shrine keepers.

She stepped outside to see Ei looking up at the tall Sakura Tree. The kitsune was about to speak but decided to keep the silence, it was nice. She walked up next to Ei and looked at the tree as well , Ei acknowledged her with a glance and nod.

After a few seconds of silence, a little too quiet for comfort, Ei spoke, "It's been so long since we were alone like this, together." "Is that so?" Miko looked over. "Yes, do you not recall?" Ei looked back only to see Miko has gone, she looked around frantically searching and turned around to see Miko staring right into her, Ei felt Miko's hot breath on her face, she was scared to think just in case Miko could see right through her and read her mind.

Miko took a step back, "I appreciate the visit, Ei." The flustered woman shakily nodded and speed walked out of the shrine. Miko smiled while watching her exit. Watching Ei squirm was one of the things she loves most to do when with her, seeing her face plastered with red and pink, her eyes narrowing. Just a harmless tease, nothing to be worried about. Miko swayed to her mailbox to pull out a letter from the publishing house.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Dear Guuji Yae,

Please be at the publishing house at 1:00PM tomorrow for an interview. "

"Strange." She muttered as she stepped back into the shrine. Miko placed it on the counter and wandered off to her bedroom to sleep, I wonder how that will play out in the morning..

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