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Miko awoke that morning with subtle irritation, not much as before of course now that she confronted Ei. Actually, she was quite pleased with herself for pulling a stunt like that.

She treated herself with a sweet breakfast, she gathered herself and walked out the door.

"Today is the day of the 'questions to ask for a price' right?, how unfortunate." She tutted walking towards the shrine keeper.

"Goodmorning, Gujji Yae!" the woman waved and gave a sweet smile.

Miko acknowledged her with a nod and quickly walked down from the shrine stairs.

Soon she arrived to the city and walked towards the stand where Ei stood, not even looking at Yae.

lets sparks things up, why not. Miko walked over gracefully to her place waiting for the citizens to gather around.

"Good morning, Almighty Shogun."

there was a pause, I take it she wasn't expecting that.

"Good morning to you too, Gujji Yae." She huffed.

Miko curled her lips into a smirk, "May I question you about something?" she glanced at Miko, "Depends."

"Do you know how childish it is to hold such a grudge for something so very little?" Miko giggled while side-eyeing Ei.

"Excuse me?" Ei was taken back from Miko's sudden rebellion,

"You heard me. Dear oh dear, you often throw tantrums, so much for a powerful place in society, hm?"

"Why you"— Ei was cut off by the yelling of a man,

"Welcome! I appreciate you all to join us for this questionnaire event! For this evening we have joining us is the Almighty Shogun!"

The crowd of people went wild, as if this was a concert. Ei struck a confident stance, that must've raised her ego. How funny.

"Guuji Yae will also be joining us today!"

Miko smiled and waved sweetly which sent the crowd into small chatter with some clapping.

"And last but not least, the author!"
The crowd was less active then when they clapped to their archon.

"My archon, why are they addressing this like it's a contest..?" Miko pondered looking at Ei.

"Stop talking." Ei muttered.

Oh how bitter.

"Please stand in a single file line to ask questions."
The crowd quickly lined up.

Some little time later it was all just questions such as
"what inspired you"
"any writing tips"
"what is your connection with the two of these"
All for the author, some occasional for Ei, were not related to the novel.

This is awfully boring, somebody should ask me-

"Yae"— Ei nudged Miko

"Oh! Yes, what?" Miko was caught zoning out, embarrassing.

"Uhm, uhhh- what is your- uh personal connection with The Shogun, Guuji Yae?" the small man with glasses stuttered.

Miko was a little shocked, huh, how odd.

"Hm, I would say we are pretty swell friends."

Ei glared so hard at Miko, oh it was so fun for Miko to tease, seeing her get all disheveled, she found it incredibly entertaining.

"Alright, alright, the questionnaire is over. Come tomorrow to see the ultimate battle between Guuji Yae and The Almighty Shogun!"

A phrase that made Miko jump and get goosebumps, She snapped her head towards Ei and caught Ei with a mischievous smile.

"Yae, come walk with me, please." Ei smiled a bit.

"Oh? Are you in a good mood now?" Miko smiled a bit hoping this was over.

"A little. Because it will all go down in that field over there and you will be begging to your knees for your life to be spared." Ei twirled her sword in her hand.

Ei walked backwards in-front of Ei to the field, "I guarantee this will all blow over after the fight and you will know your place. Then we will be friends again." Ei smirked, What has gotten her so cocky?

"Oh, what makes you so sure, hm?" Miko poked trying to find a weak spot, nothing. Ei swatted Miko's hand away.

"Why don't we practice, Miko?" Ei asked extending a hand, they arrived at the field.

"Are we happy again? You aren't mad?" Miko took her hand and Ei spun her to the opposite side of her.

"No, of course not, I'm still furious, you idiot. There's people watching. They want to see something. Now, go along as I say, I will win and you will bow, that's an order as an archon." Ei kicked her sword from under her feet and spun it like she was in a circus act.

Miko stepped back with a tsk, she wasn't going to let her win, who does she think she is?

The fight started with Ei teleporting behind Yae and kicked her which made Yae fall to the ground. Why is she trying so hard, this is only practice? Yae quickly scrambled away but stopping as Ei stood over Miko, thinking that the challenge was done, how foolish. Yae slid under in between the archons legs that were standing over her and spun around to have Ei's back facing her as Miko pushed her forward with a powerful electro blow, but it didn't make her fall over, only stumble.  Ei flipped around and grazed Miko's cheek with her sword which made blood trickle down from her face. Was she trying to take my head off? Ei lunged at Miko who was a few steps back and taken back from the stunt Ei pulled. Miko jolted as the back of Ei's sword was hit right into her gut. hard. Ei looked at Miko with cockiness as Miko coughed violently with a few drops of blood. "You bitch." Miko muttered and kicked Ei in her knees which made Ei gasp as she fell to her knees. "Now look who's bowing." Miko giggled kicking Ei's stomach sending her backwards but midair Ei teleport a few meters above Miko, the kitsune looked up to see Ei's high heel about to crash on Miko's forehead, when it did, Miko felt a little dizzy, she swayed. I'll be fine, what a pitiful move- Yae fell to the ground as blood dripped down from her scalp. "Miko?" Ei looked at her from where she was standing.


(a/n : hey sorry for all the really quick parts im trying to make the longer and also sorry for the cliffhanger i swear its gonna be juicy next part which should come out in a day or two i promise🙏

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