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The next day at school Ari was fast to hop to Hoseok with more questions.

"I gotta ask, do you have a girlfriend by chance? I didn't see that you did on Facebook so I was just curious is all." She says, her eyes hard on Hoseok as she leaned forward on the desk.

Hoseok shook his head, seeming to be a little flustered by her question.

"No, I don't." He says and right away Ari grins widely. "Single then huh, nice. I am too and so is Y/n, although there's this guy y/n is totally crushing on!" Ari says and right away I deny it.

"There is not, relax." I say and that was the truth. Like I said, Ari thought I liked Joshua but that wasn't the case at all. Quite the opposite actually.

"Yeah right. Speaking of which, Mingyu wants us all to hang out." Ari says to me before she turns to Hoseok. "I could totally introduce you guys! That way you can have some guy friends too!"

I instantly didn't like that idea. Mingyu was alright but Joshua, hell no. I didn't want him corrupting Hoseok already. The guy just got here.

Hoseok looked over at me then. "I mean I'm down for that." He says but he seems to say it as if he's wanting me to agree that it's a good idea.

Before I even get a chance to speak, Ari jumps up in excitement. "Awesome! Let me go tell him." She says as she runs off to where Mingyu is. Luckily, Joshua wasn't in this class which I was grateful for.

Once she's gone I turn to Hoseok and let out a small sigh.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. They're not that great of people I'd pick some better new friends if I were you." I say and Hoseok tilts his head in confusion.

"But you're friends with them, no? Isn't that a bit weird to talk like that about your friends?"

I scoffed instantly. "They are not my friends. Ari is my friend therefore we're nothing more then acquaintances." I say.

"Why does she seem to think you like one of them?" Hoseok then asks and I can tell his curiosity is peaked.

I bite the inside of my cheek, not sure if I should even be telling him. I mean it would be a lot for someone who hadn't even met these people yet.

"A story for another time." I wave off as I turn my head back towards my books.

Hoseok seems to drop it as he too turns his attention back to his school work.

Knowing there wasn't really any way out of this now, I spent the rest of class dreading what was to come later on.

Now here we were, Hoseok, Ari, Mingyu, Joshua, and I all hanging out in Mingyu's basement.

This was the last place I wanted to be right now but seeing how happy Ari was, I didn't say anything.

At least I had Hoseok here to make this more bearable.

"So you're the new guy, huh? Ari has been talking to us non stop about you. You're like Japanese right?" I instantly facepalmed at how stupid and uncultured Joshua was.

"Joshua!" Ari yelled out, punching him in the arm for his words. I would have went with the face but I suppose that works.

"I'm from Korea actually." Hoseok says, not really seeming too bothered by his words and if he was he wasn't showing it.

"Oh nice man. My bad." The conversation dies down after that as Ari begins messing around with the two, distracting them.

"Now you see why I don't care for the guy?" I ask, knowing it was already obvious the second we got here.

"Yeah I could see that. Is that the one she thinks you like?" Hoseok asks and I nod.

"Care to tell me the story of why she thinks that?" Hoseok asks and I look back at the others to see them fooling around. They weren't paying any mind to us so I figured why not.

I leaned closer to Hoseok so the others had less chance of hearing me. Although the music they had on mixed with their loudness was enough to not be heard anyway.

"Well it was back in sophomore year. Joshua and I were talking for a bit and things got a little serious. We ended up hooking up a few times or whatever and although we didn't make it official, it was pretty much like we were dating. We didn't really tell anyone though since it wasn't official and we didn't feel the need to. Then one night I had come back to Joshua's place and Mingyu happened to be there too. The three of us were just hanging out until Joshua decided he was gonna try to make a move right there in front of Mingyu. Not just like a kiss like he was getting a little too into and I got uncomfortable and told him to stop. He didn't and kept pressing it and eventually Mingyu saw what he was doing but for a moment he just sat there. He did nothing to stop it or help. Of course after a bit he finally did but it's the fact that he may have just let whatever was going to happen happen, that's what bothers me. I've never told Ari that because I don't want to ruin things with her and Mingyu since you know ultimately he did stop things but it's just the principle. Obviously you know that's why I don't like Joshua. He's a creep." I say as I let out a breath.

This was the first time I had actually said out loud what had happened that night.

Hoseok looked horrified and shocked. I assume he probably hadn't heard anything like that happening within his friend group before which I would hope not.

"That's awful I'm sorry you had to go through that. I totally understand why you don't like the guy." He finally says then continues with, "So since she doesn't know about that part she assumes you like him because you guys use to have a thing?"

I nodded. "I keep telling her I don't like him but she isn't convinced. I just can't bring myself to tell her." I sigh.

Hoseok put his hand on my arm reassuringly. "Well don't worry, I'm sure you'll find the right time to tell her eventually. Thanks for opening up about it."

I smiled slightly and nodded. Before we could talk any further, Ari did.

"Ooh what's happening over here?!" She asks, her voice loud and that's when I notice Hoseok's hand is still on my arm.

Just as fast as she says that, he pulls his hand away before placing it into his lap and shifting slightly.

"Nothing you weirdo. We were just talking." I say casually.

Ari looks between the two of us for a second before she drops it, her mind going to a whole new place.

"Alright, Who's up for some dance dance revolution!"

Man was it going to be a long long night...

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