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"I hope I get a good partner!" Ari groans as she buries her head in her hands.

"Me too." I sigh as I look around the class. There wasn't that many super smart people in here so the chances were very slim.

"Okay class, I have the list up here of who your partners for this project will be. Come look and then get with your partners and we'll go from there."

Anxious, I made my way up to the front of the class where everyone was gathered.

When I finally got to the list, I didn't even get a chance to look before a voice sounded from beside me.

"Looks like we're partners."

I automatically winced as I recognized the voice right away.

I turned to my left only to come face to face with Joshua who was grinning widely.

"Are you serious?" I mentally groan as he nods, that stupid smirk still plastered to his face.

Knowing there wasn't anything I could do, I followed Joshua back to his seat and sat down in the chair beside him.

At this rate, I was doomed to fail.


My eyes scanned the partner sheet, hoping I'd get y/n but of course, that didn't happen.

Instead, I got paired with some random guy who didn't seem to care at all about this project. Meaning, I'd be doing all the work.

As my eyes trailed down the list for y/n's name, my mouth went dry as I saw she was partnered with Joshua.

My head snapped up as I looked around the room, finding the two of them seated at his desk.

Joshua was sitting there with his feet propped up on the desk and a paper in his hands as he read out loud.

Then there was y/n who looked anything but amused as she sat there with her arms crossed over her chest.

I watched the two of them for a moment, a feeling rising in my chest as I see Joshua lean over, pushing the paper at y/n, their hands touching.

I watched as Y/n's demeanor changed then before she backs away, her nose scrunching up in disgust.

"Hey man, do you wanna get to work or just stare at them all day?" My partner says as he kicks the table slightly.

Holding back a snarky remark, I remove my eyes from the horrendous scene that was y/n and Joshua.

Even though I was anything but happy, I got to work even though it was the last thing I could focus on.

Seeing her around Joshua like that made me realize the one thing I didn't want to admit.

I was starting to like y/n...like, like like.

Once class ended I was surprised when y/n came right to my desk, practically throwing her books down on the desk.

"This is bullshit!" She steams, clearly upset over her partner which I couldn't blame her because I was too.

"Did it go badly?" I ask, mostly curious if he had said or done anything unrelated to the project.

"Of course it did. Why did he have to be my partner of all people in this class? Now I'm doomed to fail it and I have to deal with him. It's a lose lose situation." Y/n sighs as she begins to pack up her things.

By now, the classroom was mostly empty, even the teacher had stepped out to use the bathroom before next period.

"My partner isn't any better either. At least if you fail, I'll be right there with you." I say and that seems to make y/n laugh.

"Yeah that's true. Do you want to hang out after school? I need to do something to get my mind off of this awful monstrosity that is my life." Y/n groans as she zips up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

I smile, glad she asked so I didn't have to.

"Of course. Meet me after school and we'll go." I say and she nods before waving her hand, disappearing from the classroom.

Once she's out of sight I gather up the rest of my things and head to my next class.

The one thing that kept me going through the day, was how excited I was to hangout with y/n later.

I was definitely looking forward to it!

Finally, school ended and I met back up with y/n, the two of us heading to my place.

Upon getting there, y/n wasted no time in making herself comfortable which honestly I liked. I liked that she's felt comfortable enough around me to make herself at home instead of feeling awkward or out of place.

"So what should we do?" I ask as I take a seat beside y/n who looked over at me and shrugged.

"Whatever works for me. I'm just trying to forget that I have the worst partner possible for this project." Y/n sighs as she leans back into the couch.

Speaking of Joshua, I got curious. "I have a question and you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable but was Joshua your first kiss too?"

Y/n laughed as she shook her head. "No. I had my first kiss with some guy in middle school."

"Was it weird and awkward?" I ask, curious if she was in her head her first kiss like I was.

"I was definitely nervous. I couldn't help but to think I was doing it all wrong." Y/n laughs as she leans back into the couch.

"Is that how you felt?" Y/n then asks and I felt myself getting embarrassed at the thought of admitting it. Still, I didn't want to lie again.

"Yeah. That's why I ended up running off like a little kid." I laugh to hide my awkwardness.

"Well it's alright I get it. I know the feeling. At least next time you kiss someone you'll be a little more comfortable." Y/n says.

As soon as she says that, I don't know what comes over me as I say the last thing I would ever expect to say.

"Maybe we can kiss again...I mean for the rate of course!"

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