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When I finally turned my phone back on, it was flooded with texts and calls from Hoseok.

Right away I figured it was because I hadn't told him about mine and Ari's little tradition but instead, he was mad about something else.

Something he wouldn't tell me until I called him. His words not mine.

I step into the other room to call Hoseok while Ari finally gets back to texting Mingyu.

The phone picks up after the first ring.

"Hey sorry I didn't tell you about-" "What the fuck, y/n."

I was taken back by the tone of Hoseok's voice right off the bat. I had no idea he'd be this angry over me skipping class...

"I know I should have told you Ari and I were going to skip but I don't understand why you're so upset." I say, my brows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't care about that. I care about the fact that you're going around telling Joshua and others that I didn't make you finish. I didn't expect you to be so, so cruel." Hoseok's voice sounded hurt.

"What are you talking about? I never told Joshua anything." I say, my mouth falling into an angry frown.

"Then why did he know exactly what happened between the two of us the other night?" Hoseok asks after a moment of silence.

"I have no idea. I didn't say-" but then it hit me. I grit my teeth as I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry, Hoseok. I told Ari about everything and although I told her I had chose not to make that night about me, she took it the wrong way. She must have told Mingyu who then told Joshua. I'm sorry. I really only told Ari about it because she's my best friend. Of course she went and blabbed." I sigh.

Hoseok sighs too before he speaks. "It's fine." He sighs again. "I just don't like that Joshua is out here thinking that. Now he has that to hold over me." Hoseok says and I scoff.

"Who cares? He never made me cum once while I was with him so I really don't give a shit what he thinks. I was the first person you slept with, he doesn't have an excuse. Trust me, it's not anything to worry about. Besides, I told you, I only did what I did because I wanted that night to be about you, not me." I say and Hoseok let's out a small breath before he finally lets it go.

"Now, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about mine and Ari's best friend day. Every year on this day we just skip school and have a whole day of just hanging out and doing whatever. It's really fun. It just slipped my mind and I forgot to mention it. You're not mad about that are you?" I ask as I bat my lashes even though he can't see me.

"No, I'm not mad." Hoseok says and I can finally hear the slight smile in his voice.

"Good. Now, when Ari leaves I think you should come over. We can try again if you'd like." I say, a smirk curving onto my lips as I say it.

Hoseok clears his throat, a nervous habit of his I've noticed. "Yeah...okay." If I could see him right now I'm positive he'd be blushing.

"Okay then I'll see you later." I say, my voice hinting at what was to come.

"Okay." Hoseok responds before we hang up. I slide my phone back into my pocket and put on my serious face.

I march out to where Ari is and right away, I flick her on the forehead.

"What the fuck was that for?!" She groans as she rubs her now freshly flicked forehead.

"Why would you tell Mingyu and Joshua about what I told you?! You swore you'd keep this to yourself." I say and right away she looks guilty.

"I'm sorry! It just kinda slipped out. I didn't mean to say anything. Is he mad?" Ari asks, a worried look on her face.

I sigh as I sit down on the couch beside her, pulling my legs up too in a criss cross.

"He was but he'll be okay. " I say and Ari nods as she leans into my side.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass him like that. You're right, it's probably just because it's your guys' first time sleeping together. It'll take time for him to get use to your body and what you like. I'm sure he's actually a pro at it." Ari winks in attempt to make me feel better.

I laugh, knowing I can't stay mad at her. It's Ari after all, she has a big mouth. I should have figured she'd say something. I just wished it hadn't gotten back to Joshua. He's such a dick and I'm not surprised at all that he had said something to Hoseok.

I would definitely make things right the next time I see Joshua but until then, there wasn't much I could do.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll see tonight." I wink and Ari grins. "Oh really?"

"Yeah really. After you leave he's going to come over." I say and Ari stands up right away.

"Then I'll go now! No need to stand in the way of your dick appointment." She says, smirking from ear to ear as she slings her bag over her shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to go now? It can wait a little." I say but Ari is already half way out the door.

"Nope! Have fun, use protection, or don't! Bye!" Then she's gone.

I laugh as I sit up and pull out my phone to text Hoseok that Ari has left.

I get back a text almost immediately saying to give him a few and then he'll be over.

Luckily, my parents were both at work so we'd have the whole place to ourselves.

Excited and probably way too eager, I go get ready for what Ari called,

My dick appointment.

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