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Once we finally left Mingyu's place it was around 10pm.

"Did you like them?!" Ari grins as she turns her head in Hoseok's direction once we get into my car.

"Yeah they were cool." Hoseok says as his eyes shift to me for a second then go back.

"Glad you think so! Also can you drop me off first I have some things I have to do." Ari says and I nod as I do just that.

"See you guys at school tomorrow!" Ari calls out as she hops out of the front seat and hurries towards her front door.

I turn my head to the back seat to look at Hoseok. "Wanna hop in the front?" I ask and he nods before he gets out and takes the spot Ari was once in.

Once he's all buckled in I ask for his address and then proceed to make my way there.

Surprisingly, it wasn't too far from where Ari's house was so that was nice. I lived relatively close to here as well.

"Thanks for the ride and for inviting me out." Hoseok says once we get to his place.

"No problem! Hopefully you had fun. Maybe we can hang again soon, without them this time." I say and Hoseok smiles as he nods.

"I would like that. Have a good night." He says and I watch as he gets out of the car and heads into his apartment complex.

Once he's inside I make my way home, ready to crash.

Anytime I hung out with Ari and the guys I always felt so exhausted. They were a lot to handle. It was nice to have Hoseok there though. It made it more bearable.

I was just glad Hoseok seemed to be fitting in. He seemed pretty cool so far so I was excited to get to know him more.

I was looking forward to it!

Just like that, the next school day had come and gone and just as I was about to head home for the day, I ran into Hoseok.

"Are you busy right now?" I ask, wasting no time in trying to hang out. I wanted to get to know Hoseok more and well, I definitely wasn't shy about the things I wanted.

"No, why?" Hoseok asked as he stopped to look at me.

"Want to hang out? Yesterday was fun and I'd like to find out more about my new friend." I grin and Hoseok smiles.

"Yeah sounds fun. Is my place okay? I have a few things I need to take care of once we get there but it'll be quick." Hoseok says.

"Yeah of course no problem." I say and we head out, both of eager to leave school.

Once we arrived, I followed behind Hoseok, excited to see this little place of his. He had mentioned the night we talked on messenger how he got this place and how it was nicer then he expected.

As we got to his front door, he turned to me and gave me a nervous smile. "It's a little messy so don't mind. I haven't really had the chance to unpack fully."

"It's all good." I laugh as I watch him push the front door open. Right away I saw exactly what he was talking about.

There was boxes everywhere. Almost like he hadn't even started to unpack at all. No judgement here though, he was busy with settling in at a new school and all so I get it.

"Can I get you anything? Tea? Water?" Hoseok seemed a little nervous.

"No I'm good, thanks." I say as I set my bag down on the corner of one of the tall brown chairs surrounding the kitchen table. The table itself was littered with papers and other random things.

Hoseok simply nodded as he walked ahead of me, gathering the items onto the table up so it wasn't as cluttered.

"You just moved here, I get it. No worries." I say and I see him relax a little but he still seemed somewhat tense.

"Are you sure you're alright with me being here? I'd have been okay if you said no." I laugh and Hoseok shakes his head instantly.

"No it isn't that I promise. It's just...I'm not really use to hanging out alone with girls is all. I know that's probably weird but back home I just have a small group of guy friends and that's it. You and Ari are actually the first girl friends I've ever had." Hoseok says as he clears his throat, shifting slightly.

"What about actual girlfriends? Didn't that help you feel a little less awkward around girls?" I ask and that seems to make Hoseok more uncomfortable.

"I actually haven't really had a girlfriend. Like I've talked to a few girls but it never really went anywhere." He says as he pulls his lips in.

"Oh wow. Have you kissed a girl at least? Had hook ups?" I ask then right away I realized I was being too invasive. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you're not comfortable." I laugh.

"No it's okay. Um yeah I've kissed people before but as for hooking up, no, I haven't."

My eyes widened then. "So you're a virgin?!" Honestly I was shocked. Hoseok was a good looking dude I was sure he'd at least been with a few girls like that.

Hoseok seemed to become red at my words and I knew I was being too straight forward again. Hoseok was definitely more shy then I was and I had to keep reminding myself to tone it down a bit. I was just so use to Ari that I forget at times.

"You know what, it doesn't matter. Sorry I asked. So, what's the business you had to take care of, if you don't mind me asking." I say and Hoseok clears his throat again as he straightens his posture.

"Oh right. Just a mix up with my lease. It's not a huge deal but I need to get it taken care of quick. It'll be a quick phone call so just make yourself at home." Hoseok says as he pulls his phone out before he heads off in the direction of what I was guessing was his bedroom.

As he closed the door, I looked around again, taking everything in.

Aside from the boxes everywhere it seemed to be a really nice place. Pretty spacious and it seemed perfect for one person.

Hopefully he'd be able to get the lease stuff situated so he could get settled in quickly.

I took a seat at the table and pulled my phone out to see a text from Ari.

A- Where'd you go?! I was gonna see if you wanted to hang with Mingyu and I!

Y/n- I'm hanging with Hoseok. You have fun though! Ttyl!

As I set my phone back down on the table my eyes fall upon a picture frame, just barely visible from underneath the clutter of papers.

My curiosity getting the better of me, I pulled the frame out before studying the whole picture.

It was a picture of Hoseok and six other guys. All of them smiling and posing cutely. Right away, I recognized a few of the guys from Hoseok's Facebook.

These must be his group of friends he was talking about.

I wondered if he missed them...I knew I'd miss Ari like crazy if I moved all the way across the world!

Knowing that, I had one goal in mind. To be Hoseok's bestest friend while he's here so that he doesn't miss his other friends too much.

I'd want someone to do that for me at least...So that's exactly what I'd do for him!

After Hoseok got off of the phone, to two of us sat at the table and talked. He told me all about his friends in the picture and about his life with them back in Korea.

By the time I left, I knew pretty much everything there was to know about Hoseok that I didn't already, and I was glad.

This was the makings of a beautiful friendship.


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