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When we finally arrive at Hoseok's house, he helps me with my luggage as the three of us head inside.

"I'll show you where you can sleep. My sisters old bedroom is available. She's moved out now but my mother kept the bed up and all that." Hoseok says as we get inside.

"Alright cool." I say as we part from his mother and head down the hall.

Hoseok pushes open the last door on the right, revealing a light pink painted bedroom that had a single bed inside.

There was a few boxes along the walls but there wasn't all that much in here which I had expected.

"Sorry for the boxes. Hopefully it won't be a bother." Hoseok says and I shake my head.

"Not at all. Thank you." I smile as I set my bags down beside the bed before I turn back to Hoseok.

"So do I get to see your childhood bedroom?" I ask with a slight giggle and Hoseok seems to blush a little.

"Yeah of course." He says, seeming a little hesitant. By his reaction I could only assume I was the first girl to ever enter it.

I follow him across the hall as he opens the door before entering. Coming inside too, I take in the room that looked untouched. Probably just as he had left it.

"Nice." I say and Hoseok laughs as he sets his luggage down before he leans against his dresser.

"My mom seems to like you already which is good. I thought she'd make things a bit weird but so far so good." He says.

"Yeah good." I laugh then continue with "I know we just got here and all, but do you mind if I just take a shower real quick. I feel a little gross after the flight."

Hoseok nods right away. "Yeah of course. It'll give me time to catch up with my parents. I'll show you to it." He says and he does just that.


Once y/n gets into the shower, I head back to the kitchen where I find my mom seated at the table drinking tea.

When she sees me she smiles widely. I had really missed that smile.

It's hard being away from your parents like this so I was glad to be back. Even if it was just for a little.

I take a seat beside her as she instantly pours me some tea too.

"She's very pretty." My mother says right away as she smiles widely.

"Yeah she is. I'll tell her you said that I'm sure it'll make her happy." I say as I take a sip of my drink.

"Are you sure you two are just friends?"

There it was. I knew this would happen. I literally called it.

"Yes, mom. We're just friends...although I do like her." I say which causes my mother to smile right away.

I know a few months ago when I had confessed to y/n she told me I should move on but I couldn't. The more time I hang out with her the more I like her. I couldn't help it.

"You do?! That's great! Does she like you back? She should because you're great." My mom says as she pinched my cheeks.

"I don't think so, ma." I say with a sad smile. "She said she doesn't?" My mom asks with her eyebrows raised.

"Well no but-" "Then don't just assume." My mom says as she sips her tea.

My mother continues on with her little ways as I knew she would, up until the very moment y/n enters the kitchen.

As she approaches me I can smell the strong scent of her body wash and and shampoo.

Her hair is wet and slightly wavy and well...she looks amazing as always.

"Thanks for letting me use the shower." Y/n says and I nod as I go to stand, only to have my mother stop me.

"Is my son behaving?" My mothers says, trying her best to speak in English so that y/n doesn't feel uncomfortable.

My mother's English wasn't the best but I liked that she was making the effort.

"Of course. He's been great." Y/n smiles and when I see my mom trying to make out what she says, I just tell her.

My mother turns to me and mumbles out something that causes my cheeks to heat. In that moment, I was super thankful y/n couldn't understand korean.

Y/n looks a little confused but smiles nonetheless. My mother continues to say inappropriate things about me liking y/n and I'm just glad that y/n doesn't understand.

I'd feel super embarrassed and my mom loved that. She had always loved to embarrass me around people I liked.

By time we got done talking and catching up it was around 2pm.

As my mom continues to try to communicate with y/n, I get a text from Namjoon.

Namjoon- Are you here yet?! I need to meet y/n asap!

Hoseok- I'm here too ya know, thanks for asking...but yes we're here.

Namjoon- Well then I'm coming over. I'll be there in 5

I set my phone down as I fill in y/n that Namjoon was coming now.

She seemed to become even more nervous and I reassured her it would be okay.

Honestly, I was shocked seeing her so anxious. She was always so outgoing and not shy at all but not right now was different.

It's probably just because it's the first day and she's a little overwhelmed.

I just hoped Namjoon wouldn't act too crazy. I knew he was way to excited to meet y/n and I had a feeling he was going to embarrass me too.

The difference between my mom and Namjoon though was that Namjoon could in fact speak English. Hell, he was the one who had taught me before I went to America.

So I knew he wasn't gonna hold back on anything he wanted to ask. That was enough to make me a little nervous as well...

As soon as I heard a knock on the front door,

I knew this day was about to get even crazier.

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