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Waking up the next day, I looked around the unfamiliar room as I sat up in bed.

Yesterday was our first day here in Seoul and it was nice. Hoseok's mother is nice and Namjoon was nice as well. He kind of reminded me of Ari if I was being honest. I think that's why I felt so comfortable around him so quickly.

As for Hoseok's father, I had yet to meet him and then his sister of course but I figured since she didn't live here, I probably wouldn't meet her.

Rolling out of bed, I rummage through my suitcase as I pull out what I was going to wear today. Then I checked with Hoseok to make sure I was good to shower and then I did just that.
After I got out I got dressed then waited for Hoseok to shower too.

It didn't take long for him to appear in my doorway, dressed in a plain black T-shirt and some blue jeans, fresh out of the shower.

"So, what's the plans for today?" I grin as he steps inside, looking around before looking at me fully.

"Well first I have a few main spots I want to show you then I was thinking we could go somewhere to have lunch. Sound good to you?" Hoseok asks.

"Yeah sounds perfect. When should we go?" I ask and he smiles right away, "Right now!"

Just like that, hours flew by as Hoseok showed me some of his favorite spots.

Now here we were, seated in some adorable cafe, ready to eat lunch. I was definitely excited about this part seeing as we didn't eat breakfast. I was starving.

"How did you enjoy sight seeing?" Hoseok says after we order, making small talk until it was ready.

"It was great. It's really nice here I can't imagine why'd you want to leave." I laugh.

"I wanted a change of scenery plus studying abroad looks good to the college I want to get into here." Hoseok says and I nod.

"Plus if I hadn't come to America I wouldn't have met you." He chuckles as he gives me a soft smile.

"That's very true. You wouldn't have got to see how awesome I am." I say matter-of-factly.

Hoseok laughs. "How could I live without knowing you? You're great."

"This is true." I say which causes both of us to laugh. "You know, I'm really glad you came with me." Hoseok then says, his demeanor becoming a bit more serious.

"I'm glad I came too. We're gonna have fun." I smile and Hoseok nods as he too smiles.

"I'm gonna call Ari later tonight and brag about how much fun I'm having. Ya know, she thinks you like me better since you asked me to come and not her." I laugh.

Hoseok is silent for a moment before he speaks. "Well, kinda... I mean you're both great but you and I are just closer ya know. Plus-" but then he stops himself.

"Plus what?" I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion as to what he was going to say.

Just as Hoseok went to open his mouth, a waitress comes over to us and sets our food down.

Hoseok thanks her, seeming a little relieved. Knowing it was probably nothing, I dropped it, turning my attention to our food.

Our yummy yummy food.

As soon as we got back to Hoseok's house we walked inside and right away I saw a tall man.

My first thought was his father and as Hoseok began to speak, I soon realized I was right.

"Dad, this is y/n." Hoseok says as they both turn to me. I wave and smile. "Nice to meet you." He says, his English better then I thought it would be.

"You too." I smile politely. As Hoseok and his father continue to talk, I dismiss myself and head to my room.

Once I'm alone inside, I shut the door and take a seat on the bed. As I look around, I notice a picture frame that I hadn't seen until just now.

In the picture was Hoseok, his parents, and a girl who seemed to be a bit older then Hoseok.

Putting two and two together, I assumed it must be his sister. She was super pretty.

After a moment of that, I look around some more, taking in the boxes lining the wall.

I wondered if this room was just used as storage now or if these were some of his sisters things. Shaking the thought, I pulled my phone out.

Judging by the time here, Ari was probably still sleeping so I knew I couldn't call her until a little later.

I set my phone down just as there's a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I ask and as soon as I do, Hoseok pushes the door open.

"Hey Namjoon just texted. He wants to come hang out again but If you're not feeling up to it I'll tell him no."

I laugh as I shake my head. "No it's okay. He's just excited to see you is all, I don't mind."

Hoseok smiles as he nods, pulling his phone out to text Namjoon back.

"He'll be here soon. He says he has a surprise but he won't tell me what." Hoseok says with a slight look of worry on his face.

"Let's hope it's a good one." I laugh but Hoseok doesn't seem to find it funny. He looked a little worried and I couldn't understand why. I guess if Namjoon really was anything like Ari, maybe hoseok was right to worry a little at this mention of a surprise.

As the two of us waited for Namjoon and the surprise to arrive we made small talk about random stuff. It didn't last long though as there was a knock on the front door.

I followed Hoseok out to the living room, my eyes trailing to his dad who was seated on the couch watching tv.

As Hoseok went to open the door I heard him let out a breath. When I turned to see what he was looking at, I too felt a little taken back.

Standing behind Namjoon, was five other guys.

Five hot guys.

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