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"Stay here with me"        

Seth stares at you with sad eyes, as you grab into his arm gently, afraid that he will leave you.

"I can't stay in the past for long" you still don't let him go.

"I missed you"

Those words made him tense up, realizing how much he also missed you.

But, the two of you can't be together, you two are different entities.

"Move on, (Y/n), you will feel much better" he gently removes your hands away from his arm.

"Demons and Humans can't have children, my life is long, yours is short"

You move away from him, understanding his point of view, knowing how right he is.

"Before I go, if Time asks you whether you want to meet your great grandfather, say no" Seth instructs sternly.

"What? Why?"


Seth doesn't get to continue as he suddenly disappears.

You let out an annoyed sigh at your luck.

"Who was that you were talking with right now?"

You stare with wide eyes at Ramses, feeling caught.

"No one, I was talking to no one" you reply, as he walks towards you.

"But I saw you speaking with someone" Ramses asserts with a grin.

"Don't you have duties, my pharaoh?" you point out, in hopes of escaping the situation.

"The lands are safe, the people are happy, and the corps is ready to be harvested" 

For some reason, you feel proud of those achievements.

"Then you should go spend time with your family"

Ramses chuckles at you, enjoying your company and speaking with you.

"I already spend time with them, all my children hold important roles under me"

Oh, yes, you forget the main reason why Ramses II has many children, and it is to have them hold important positions.

"I and you can't happen for many reasons, your highness"

He listens to you while playing with your long hair.

You need to cut your hair, time-traveling made it grow very long.

"And I'm ready to listen to every reason and then give you mine to why we could marry"

His fingers tag tightly on your locks.

"And I always win the arguments, dear" you smile slightly.

"You have everything a woman wants in a man, Ramses"

You lean towards his lips, your eyes stare mockingly at him.

"But I still don't want you"

Ramses freezes in his place...it looks like time got frozen.

You frown and back away in shock, not understanding what just happened.

"Don't worry"

A tall man with silver hair and strange-looking eyes comes into your view.

"Are you Time?" the entity nods his head at you.

Suddenly you remember the words of your son.

'My father is Ti-'

You remove that thought from your mind, realizing how absurd it sounds.

But again you know that it might be true.

You also want to ask him for help to have a time dagger.

"My dagger got destroyed" Time rolls his eyes at you.

"You are irresponsible" you huff.

"Ramses had it melted, it was made with dark magic and my family blood, I believe you can create a better one"

"You have to do me a favor first"

"What type of favor?"

He grabs into you tightly, pulling you towards him.

"You are going to meet a family member who wishes to see you in person"


You look terrified at the three familiar men in front of you.

Also, you see Matteo and Aleksy tied up in the corner of the room, they are both knocked out.

Time smirks at the three men, pushing you towards them.

"I kept my word, here's your great-granddaughter, Farid"

Farid pulls a vile out of his pocket and hands it to Time.

"This is the end of our deal"

You shook your head quickly, back away from both men.

"Where is the dagger you promised me? I didn't even agree to come here!" you exclaim loudly.

"I don't care, your relative will make you another one"

With that Time disappears.

Leaving you all alone with them.

However, you still don't know how bizarre this situation will get.

Especially, since those men sacrificed many young children to just unlock dark magical abilities.

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now