chapter 1

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coruscant, the capital of the galactic republic,is having normal times but now,
The concil is currently debating about a newly discovered system,they are discussing about should they send out a scouting force to check if theres life there.

Padme amidal: i think we should send out a scouting fleet to see if theres life there.

Sentor 1: i agree, also if there's intelligent life we can invite them into the republic!

Sentor 2: agree, how about we start a vote about it?

All: ok

(Skip the voting as why i should write it)

Announcer(idk if theres one): all senates,heres the result: the council decided to send out a fleet to investigate this system.

Few days later, outer solar system

A sensor that is belongs to UNCF just detected multiple odjects that is flying at high speed and stopped, the sensor took a photo.

Earth, UNCF headquarters

'general! We just received that something warped into the solar system!'

'What?! Get me all commanders of fleet, told them we have emergency situation!'

'Yes, general!'

Meeting room

General: commanders, we've detected warp singal at the outer system. I want you all to assemble a fleet to check it out just like 2 years ago.

Commanders: Yes general!

General: also call back yamato to service

Messager: yes general!

Near Neptune orbit

Three venator class destoryer, 5 dreadnaught class and 4 arquitens class is flying torwards earth

Suddenly, a fleet just warped out in front of them

Fleet admiral: what is that!

Jedi 1: I don't know!

Fleet admiral: i never seen such ship design...

The fleet consists of 45 kongou kai class battleship, 2 E class space patrol ship and 2 dreadnought class battleship

Kongou kai

E class space patrol ship

Dreadnought class battleship

And the communication system got connected.

'this is the captain of E-23, UNCF pluto fleet, you entered the territory of Earth federation, please turn back or state your reasons of being here.'

Jedi 1:(toughts: Earth federation? Never heard of it, but seems like theres intelligent life in this system and we could invite them into galactic republic.)

Jedi 1: this is the galactic republic fleet, we are here to investigate if there's intelligent life but seems like there is, so would you all join the galactic republic?

E-23 captain: i will inform about this, please send one ship to follow us and have further discussion, i also think you should also inform your higher ups.

Jedi 1: yea we will do that.

Jedi 1: captain inform the council that there's intelligent life and we will have discussion of them joining the republic.

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