chapter 6: colonization disaster pt2 and information of Earth ground vehicle

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(people may think that gatlantis wouldn't team up with humans because they hate humans, but if i just set gatlantis as the third faction it would just fuck up the whole plot and bringing down the whole universe, so maybe earth humans made them know that not all humans are bad? Maybe.)

(Also the earth ground force equipments (need more information for it):


Oh yea also forgot the one i said, we are stealing it from gundam UC earth feddies because the photo i saved just disappeared :skull:)

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Oh yea also forgot the one i said, we are stealing it from gundam UC earth feddies because the photo i saved just disappeared :skull:)


July 23 2203
Mars drydock

The first colonization fleet were escorted by 10 E class, 5 D class, 25 dreadnought and 25 Andromeda, others were either in the escort of cargos between gamilias, ark of destruction or brawling in the frontlines

The legendary battleship yamato and her crew, watching the fleet took of and pray for their safety.

Shima: oi kodai, will you think they would make it?

Kodai: I have no idea about that....

There are some colony ships built from tons of damaged and destroyed dreadnoughts

There are total of 50 colony ships in the fleet, half of them are modified from kongo class and other half are modified from dreadnought, plus 5 Marine transport ship to secure the civillians landed.

Each marine transport are murasame class(yes, murasame class cruisers) modified and each of them are filled with 50 personal wearing type 2 exosuits(or mechs if you want to call it), 5 M61A5 MBT, 4 SC97 seagull transport craft and 3 Armored transport you saw in 2205.

This fleet is a rather small fleet as the Earth government wants to test if the republic or any factions would attack

The fleet's destination is a planet located at Andromeda universe center( i have no knowledge at universe stuff so bruh).

The republic spy station discovered this information and the jedis were bo more happier than this during war time,
So they quickly made a plan to destroy the fleet halfway

The plan was rather similar with the Great Urpe Interstellar Alliance used during the Earth SUS war in 2220 and of course no one knows that because thats another timeline's future
Halfway to Andromeda universe

The earth colonization fleet is halfway to their destination, at about 35000 lightyears away from the planet.

Flagship of the fleet, Artemis

The Radar control room is working as usual as 2 crews along with an AI bot

AI: massive warp activities appeared at 12 o'clock.

Radar personal 1: what? Report to the captain!


This fleet is the infamous open circle fleet lead by the legendary jedi obi wan and anikan skywalker

The open circle fleet just received new star destoryers armed with the newest turbolasers and armor to withstand at least 5 salvos from shock cannons the Earth-Gamilas-Gatlantis alliance used

The ships are also armed with an enchanced shield to resist shock cannons although only slightly better then the old shield.

The first wave consists of 5 venators, 6 star destoryers, 3 arquitens and few supply dreadnaughts

It may seems small at numbers, but the fear of new ship and the huge size still made some of the EFCF(UNCF) crew scared.

Open circle fleet flagship scheme 1 star destoryer

Obi wan: anikan, tell your ships to start the ambush, my fleet will warp near yours, understood?

Anikan: copy that my master

Anikan: attack those ships!

Meanwhile at the artemis bridge

Weaponry crew: those are republic ships... captain, this is an ambush!

Captain: Raise the Alert! All hands into battlestation, protect the fleet at all cost-

Hundreds of turbolasers and ion cannons were fired on the colony fleet, though the ion cannons were prove to be useless against the Earth-Gamilas-Gatlantis alliance ships, one more projectile means they could lower the enemy morale.

In an instant, 20% of the escorts were destroyed.

Captain: Fire, Fire, throw everything we got at them!

Gunnery crew: Take this you republic scums!

The escort fleet also return fire on the republic fleet

Modified murasame class marine transport

Communication crew: captain, transmission from the flagship artemis.

Captain:(reads the message) what? Told us to bring the civillians an emergency warp?

Radar crew: captain, the escort fleet has already taken 80% loss! If we don't warp now, the main colony fleet may get destroy-


An E-class patrol ship exploded in front of the transport

Artemis flagship

Captain: Use the wave motion gun!

Gunnery crew: energy charging- AH!

The flagship wave motion gun barrel got hit and disabled the ship

The venators released Y-wings and ARC-130 to attack the colony ships

A dreadnought fires its scatter wave motion gun and destroyed 2 supply dreadnought and 2 arquitens, 3 venators heavily damaged, 2 venators were missing an entire section

6 of the star destroyers, only 3 of them were damaged because the shots weren't concentrate on them

The remaining 5 dreadnought, 1 E-class and 2 Andromeda class were either damaged in different levels

The republic fleet started to targetting  the civillian colony ships

Civillian 1: oh god, Help us!

Civillian 2: Gets blown outside of the ship* Don't leave me!!!

Obi wan fleet arrived and was gonna pursuit the emergency warped fleet but they eventually lost the remaining ships.

Obi wan: does this operation counted as a success?


The aftermath was horrible: only 15 out of 50 colony ships made it out and
Even the marines have 2 transport destroyed

But eventually they arrived, in a huge cost.

Next chapter: no idea for naming yet lol

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