chapter 7: Andro-1 Hold out!

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The surviving fleet successfully warped to the destination, the andro-1 as they call it(run out of braincells bruh)

The fleet lead by obi wan and anikan skywalker were pursuiting the escaping fleet, the remaining escorts quickly retaliate with their missiles and shock cannons but due to the star destoryers armor and shield they could only deal mildly effect to the fleet.

The new flagship of the fleet, Sirius after arriving the planet andro-1, crashed landed on the planet surface because of heavily damaged and acting as a temporary base.

The murasame class troop transport landed and started to securing permiter with the armor vehicles and materials.

On the entire fleet, only one ship has the communication device and radar functional.


July 30

'we received the distress signal from the first colonization fleet, they reported that only few ships survived and needs support now'

'Kodai, your job is to lead 15 E-class, 5 modified dreadnought battlecarrier and 10 arizona class mass produce version to support the first colonization fleet.'

'Few additional dreadnought modified troop transport will be joining your fleet, remember to collect datas of the new enemy ships.'



(Please someone help me and send list of famous jedi generals in reply)

Kenobi: we will be conducting an assualt on the enemy position, our odjective is to try capture their equipments for further study.

(Note: the M61s are equipped with shock cannons instead of live ammunition for higher firepower)

First colonization fleet remnants position

The base centre is the sirius 1 andromeda class battleship, with an airport constructed with materials recovered from some wercks belongs to the original escorts that were destroyed in the battle.

Cosmo tigers were transported out of the ship and conducting patrols for possible enemy attack.

A survived E class is parked on the orbit of Andro-1.

Radar operator: Sir! We've got several aircrafts approaching!

Captain: numbers?

Radar operator: Hundreds of them, sir!

Captain: all hands into battlestations! Ready for anti air combat!

Captain: communicate with the ground, we've been attacked!

Aye sir!

The E-class fired a salvos of missiles on the mass amount of troop transport and fighters.

The republic surely doesn't really have enough experience at missile dodging so a handful of the aircrafts got shot down.

The point defense started firing but it was quickly disabled by y-wings and ARC-170s.

Captain: main shock cannons! Fire when ready!

The shock cannons fired at the incoming fighters but only few of them can hit.

A salvo of proton tropedos hit the E-class.

Captain: Damn you all!-

The ship was spilt into 2 and exploded.

The remaining ships were also having the same situation as the E-class and the orbital defense were quickly overrunned by large amounts of republic aircrafts.


ATC speaker: All pilots ready to take off! Defend the base at all cost!

The Cosmo tigers were quickly taken off and there are 140 of them

Meanwhile the republic assualt squadron has at least 200 ARCs and 120 Y-wings

Clearly although the cosmo tigers has the missile advantage and longer combat range but they would eventually getting overrunned like the orbital defense.

But at least their sacrifice won't be in vain as they destroyed the bombing squadron at the cost of no cosmo tiger can be repaired in short time.

The marines quickly get into position and tanks aiming towards troop transports.

The republic deployed they walkers and clones, swarming the base first defensive line.

But the first assualt failed as the UNCM has superior firepower with their M61s.

Next chapter: votings and maybe stuff around the main frontline

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