chapter 10: the return of a legendary captain.

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Space station owned by earth,
Near courscant.

Yamanami is calling back to earth HQ for a special thing.

Yamanami: hey old bud, how's your day going?

???: Yea, i am fine.

???: I felt better after finishing the whole medicine taking process. How about you?

Yamanami: we just set up a base in front of their capital planet, i hope this war could end soon so i can finally take a holiday again and have a good rest, how about you? Will you be on service again?

???: At this time, i won't. But when earth needs me again, i will.

Yamanami: then i hope this war won't went bad for us later

???: Same

Yamanami: ok, i got to go to planning about offensive, so see ya okita

Okita: yea good luck

Okita gets out of the chair and wore his captain cap belongs to him, looking out of the window.

Okita: yamato... Good luck...

Sorry for this short chapter, i had just burn out of braincells and wattpad needs to load for a year to load into the editing screen, no idea when will next chapter comes

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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