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Sebastian was walking into Justin's room just to talk because he was bored. He was wearing a turtleneck, and some blue pants. When he was on his way in, he saw there was 3 people in the room, Justin was playing on his computer, and Ryan and Regie was laying in a big bed, both looking on the phone.

Sebastian walked in the room and over to Justin, who looked at his screen and was editing a video.

"Whatsup bro?" Justin asked when he saw Sebastian standing beside him. "How are you doing?" Sebastian asked, while looking at him. "What is that?" Justin asked when he saw that Sebastian had something read on his neck. "What? Nothing bro, leave me alone, bro". Sebastian said a little nervous when Justin tried to look at his neck.

"What are you doing? Why are you covering your neck?" Justin asked, when Sebastian tried covering his neck with his turtleneck. "I'm not covering my neck, what are you talking about?" Sebastian said, and looked at Justin with a 'what the fuck' face.

"Dude, you come in with a turtleneck on, and like not sip it up, and you try to hold it up just like that now". Justin said and tried to take the turtleneck of him while still sitting on his chair. Sebastian runs over to the bed where Regie and Ryan are, and tries to ignore what Justin just said and did.

"Hey Regie '' Sebastian said like nothing just happens. "Why are you covering your neck?" Justin asked again behind Sebastian's back. "I'm not covering my neck!" Sebastian said a little annoyed this time. "There is nothing on my neck, what are you talking about?" Sebastian said and looked at Justin again and walked over to him. "Let me see!" Justin said, and took some of the turtlenecks away from his neck.

"What is that?!!" Justin asked excitedly. "Why are you being to sus right now bro??" Sebastian asked, he was annoyed when Justin took some of his turtleneck away. "You are being sus chill, chill!! there's nothing on my neck" Sebastian began to shout when Justin still tried to look at his neck.

"Is that a hickey?" Justin asked while pointing at Sebastians neck. "It's not a hickey bro," Sebastian said and tried to cover it more. "Bro!!" Justin said and began to laugh a little. "It's not a hickey!" Sebastian said and got annoyed.

"Why are you covering your neck?" Ryan said from the otherside, still laying in the bed. "It's NOT a hickey!!!" Sebastian said, and got really annoyed. "I see that, I see that right there!" Ryan says and points at the red mark on Sebastian's neck.

"What do you see? You don't see anything! Bro, and no, it's NOT a hickey!" Sebastian said to defend himself.

"Who is the lucky one?" Justin asked while still looking at Sebastian. "Bro, stop, it's not a hickey!" Sebastian said and looked at everyone in the room. "You are the lucky guy bro" Ryan said, and pointed again, which made Sebastian giggle a little.

"It's not a hick-'' Sebastian couldn't finish his sentence "Hey, was it Darren?" Justin asked and smirked at Sebastian. "No, it wasn't Darren!" Sebastian said and then looked at Ryan. "I think it's Darren too!" Ryan said and sat up in bed.

"Come with me" Ryan said and got up. "Listen, it's not Darren!" Sebastian said, but it was too late, Ryan was already on his way into Darrens room.

"Darren!! plz answer me" Ryan said, when they were in Darren's room. Darren was laying in his bed too, and it looked like he just took a nap, he was hugging his pillow, and looking at his phone. "Did you give Seb a hickey?" Ryan asked, and looked at Darren.

"Which one?" Darren asked in a sleepy tone. "Did you say which one!?" Ryan asked. And Sebastian began to laugh in an awkward way. "What ,hahaha" Ryan said and began to laugh. "Okay first of all, I don't know what you are looking at, and it's not a hickey!!" Sebastian said and they covered his neck again.

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