Special Announcment

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Hey guys it's me and I know it's been a few months since my last update to Bonds of Armor but I assure y'all I'm currently working on the next chapter for it so I hope to get that out hopefully this week so please be patient and it will come.

I wanted to tell y'all that I've been busy with just life in general I've been working hard to get through community college so that I will be able to go to the university of my dream and I'm so close to making that a reality and I hope you guys continue to support me through my journey and I promise you this story will update more through out the summer and I'm happy to say we are almost through the main story and close to why the story is called bonds of armor. But no spoilers right now.

I'm also happy to say that I'm also working on a new story coming soon to this account on wattpad. I want to thank iheartgod175 over at Fanfiction.net for inspiring to make a Super Why fanfic. Go checkout her account really great stories. And I hope you guys will go read what I have to make.

And I appreciate everyone who is enjoying this story and all the support y'all give me to continue and I'm so happy it is going well and I promise new chapter hopefully this week. And if any of y'all have something to say or just want to say hi you can dm me privately or comment down and I will be sure to respond to y'all. I hope y'all have a good evening and I hope to get updating soon.

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