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*May 25th- high-school graduation party*
" Nat, hurry the fuck up. We're going to be late!" Yelled Jess from outside the bathroom door.
"Just one more second!" I yelled back.

Looking myself over in the mirror one last time, trying to make sure I look perfect. Everything done the way Jason loves. My long brown hair, curled. Check. Winged eyeliner to accent my green eyes? Check. Blowjob red lipstick, also check. Little black dress, boobs look perfect, legs for days. Check, check and check. Let's add the stripper styled thigh high boots and we are set. Ooooh bitches. I look good.

If I'm 100% honest, I'm so nervous for tonight. I'm supposed to ask Jase to move in with me when we go off for college. I really shouldn't be that nervous we've been together for two years, but nonetheless here I am literally flipping out. But it'll be okay. The worst he can say is no. Right?

Taking a deep breath in I open my door to see Jess with her flaming red hair in a cute updo. White skinny jeans, and a navy blue crop top that does wonders for the twins.
"Damn Jessie! I see you! Slay girl!"
She grins big and does a once over of me
"You look hot. Like $500 a night hot."
"Are you saying I could pass for a high dollar escort, because that sounds like a fun job to have. Pretty girl in the arm of a millionaire without all the relationship bullshit. I'm so here for it." I laugh lightly before walking toward her.
"Def girl" she smiles.
We grin and then start laughing at each other before making our way out to my black convertible. When we get in she cranks up the radio and we jam to our "bad bitch" playlist to get amped for our last party as high school seniors. Because now, we are the graduated class!!

It takes all of 15 minutes to get to Jade's house for the party. But as soon as we get a block away there is like zero parking spots. That's fine though, not to worried. This boots were made for walking, so I'll runway model this shit just the way Jase likes. He loves when guys look at me like i'm a meal to devour. Something about it makes him hot because he has that whole "she's mine. Look but don't touch" vibe about it. Kind of like a big fuck you to the guys who lowkey want me. But again. Whatever the man wants.
When we reach the doors I walk in and the party is in full swing. Couples dancing in the living rooms, open bar set up for all us underage kids because why not? The pool outside is fully occupied by couple dry humping each other. But it is what it is.
I told Jase I'd be a little late, but more like I wanted to surprise him. I have on red lace lingerie underneath this dress to hopefully sex my way into him wanting to live with me. That's fucked I know. But a girls gotta do what a girls got to do.

"Nat!" Someone called
I look around until I spot Aaron Russo walking toward me.
Aaron has been one of my closest friends since like 7th grade, may or may not have been my first kiss but little kid crushes are what they are. Nothing came of it. We both sucked at it if I'm honest. It was like making out with an octopus. Lots of touching in the wrong areas and waaay too much spit. I shuddered just thinking about it. Thank God for glow ups.

"Hey man! Having fun?" I smile brightly at him.
"Yeah dude. There are baddies all over this bitch tonight! I'm dead set to get laid. Maybe Jess will give me the time of day this time."
I smack his arm and laugh, "dude. Youve been pining after her since freshman year. Just shoot your shot already!" I encouraged, but continued on "one night could change everything for all of us. Do it man!"
Little did I know how fucking true that statement would be.
Aaron ran off to chase after Jess a little while ago and still haven't seen Jase anywhere. It's not really like him to not be around so I decide to go look for him. I won't lie, I'm a tad tipsy. I'm about 6 lemons drop shots deep and feeling damn good.
I make my way toward his room upstairs when I hear giggling coming from some of the rooms, it's not unlikely that people are hooking up. It's actually to be expected. I'm just hoping it's Jess and Aaron. Dude deserves it, and Jess should definitely take the moment to get him. She's crushed on him forever. But will never admit it.
When I found the corner of the hallway I see Aaron slumped on the floor with his head in his hands. Oh fuck
I crouch beside him and put a hand on his arm but he doesn't look up.
"Aaron, you good hun?" His head snapped up so fast I swear he has whip lash.
"Nat... Jess is with a guy in Jase's room."
"Damn man. That's a tough break. It'll be okay."
I put my arm around him but he shrugs out of it looking me in the eye.
"Natasha. Jase's room. Think about it. Who else could be in there?"
My stomach bottoms out.
"What? What are you saying? Did you see them together?"
He shakes his head "no. But I heard them talking"
Okay. Well that might not be too bad right? They're friends. It's okay. Everything is okay.
"Okay. Well that'll be alright. Here I'll go clear this up right now. Promise." I stand up and walk the remains 6 steps to Jase's room but when I go to turn the knob it's locked.
"What the fuck?" I whisper.
Aaron looks at me with wide eyes before his jaw sets in a determined pissed off look.
"Nat if they are in there doing what I think I swear to God I'm going to beat his ass."
My bottom lip trembles. But I keep it together.
With one last look at me Aaron lifts his foot and slams it into the door. It swings wide open revealing a very naked Jess with an equally as naked Jase staring toward us.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now Jase?!" Aaron booms before tackling into Jase full force and knocking him off the bed. He starts swinging. But all I can see if my bestfriend, naked with my boyfriends cum still dripping out of her.
"Nat, nat I swear it's not what it looks like. It just happened." She cries throwing her shirt back on. But I don't even register that she's speaking before I punch her In her perfect little fucking button nose.
"Nat what the fuck?!"
I hold my hands up and walk out.
I'm walking down the hall, when all eyes turn to me coming down the stairs. I guess I look crazy, because they cut the music and people start whispering about. I see an opportunity and I take it.
"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming today! I want all of you to know how fucking proud I am of all of us that we made it through four years of hell!"
Cheers go round and beers are lifted in offering. But I'm not done. Not even close.
"So I started tonight hoping to talk Jase into moving in with me by using the form of seduction." I laugh a little. "But it seems that Jase's tiny shrimp cock got lifted for a certain red headed tramp this evening."
You can hear a chorus of "oh shits" coming out of pretty much everyone and some are laughing.
"So with that said. I've decided that one, ya girl is single. And two since my seduction technique didn't get to be used, for his approval I'll take it from all of y'all."
Everyone starts screaming as i gather my dress In my hands and strip out of it til I'm only In my bright red lace corset top and thong bottoms.
"Happy graduation motherfuckers!" I yell.
I step down the stairs with cheers coming from all around. I feel good but my heart is fucking broken. So much for being the perfect girlfriend. Fuck guys. I hate men. And women too if I'm honest. Cant trust anyone these days. Im so done. I grab my phone and keys leaving my dress on the floor and walk out of the house.
When I get home I run immediately to my room and strip off my sexy clothes before changing into sweats.
I start sorting through all of my shit and packing it up as I go. Fuck all of this. Im going to go stay at my moms condo In Tampa. I was supposed to go next month but once I tell her what happened she won't care. After I loaded everything up in my car, I fill my tank and take off.
Screaming a big fuck you to Austin Texas and an even bigger one to the people I'm leaving behind.

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