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After a full week of bullshit ice breaker assignments and lots of reading. Friday is finally here. It's the first game of the season and we are all hyped. I'm excited to see the guys. The only one I've seen all week is Lance. I will say that I guess I've gotten kind of attached to this group since we spent basically all summer together. After the game there will be a party as expected. I just hope we will be celebrating rather than drowning our sorrows.

Rachel and I are wearing football themed shirts and jeans. We didn't go all out since this is casual and who cares right? We are however DIY-ing numbers onto them. So it is what it is. She has 23 on her front for Landon and a big 03 on the back for her brother. How sweet of her. If her and Landon weren't so damn cute I might be annoyed. But in reality being annoyed isn't what it is. I just want to feel wanted. But we are NOT opening that can of worms today.

*texting Avery*
Nat: Av. What's your number?
Avery: 13, why sweetheart? You gonna represent your favorite boy out there?
Nat: You know it! You are going to the party after, right?
Avery: of course I am. You too?
Nat: duh. I might even give you a reward you y'all win. (;
Avery: that's a big bet. I'll see you there Nat.

"WHO are you texting ma'am?" Rachel asks like she's scolding a child.
"Uh. Avery?"
Rachel turns toward me. With her hands up. "Really? You got his number?"
She shakes her head at me before finishing up her shirt.
*incoming text: number unknown*
Unknown: you going to rep my number too tonight or just Avery's?
Nat: that depends are you deserving of me supporting you?
Unknown: I could prove to you how deserving I can be if you'd like.
Oh. Oh my damn
Nat: I don't know, Lance. Maybe.
Lance: you didn't say no. *winking emoji*
Nat: *eyeroll emoji*

I sit my phone down and plaster a big ass 13 and another big ass 03. Just to make the guys happy. Once we finished our shirts we headed out almost immediately to the stadium. As you can expect it is PACKED.
After making a quick stop to the concession stands Rachel and I find our seats. The game is about 2 minutes from starting so we're getting comfortable snacking and just talking about the after party when the guys come running out of the funnel. The crowd erupts in applause. I spot Landon pretty easily because he is a big ass dude. Lance is near Mav and Avery is standing by Landon who is looking into the stands. Rachel screams and jumps up waving at them. Both guys start laughing. You can't hear them but you can tell by the shoulders shaking.
We're smiling at them and they wave back. When the coin toss decides who is on offense. Shocker we are. So it's all about Lance right now. The ball goes back and Lance grabs it. He fakes left and throws to the right to Mav who takes off running while Landon is on his side playing defense and knocking people out of the way. He gets close to touchdown zone, but gets side tackled before he makes it all the way. None the less the crowd goes wild. Rachel and I are screaming with them. While the guys are jumping on Maverick.
It only takes one more okay for us to score our touchdown and the rest of the game goes by much like that. The team were playing sucks. They fumble more than they score and they can't touch down on Avery who is steadily knocking guys out. It's kind of hot if I'm honest. But will I tell him that. Absolutely not. His head is big enough already.

By the time the game ends we won 44 to 14. So I guess I'll have to pay up. Coming to this has been a good bit of fun. "Natasha, let's go to the field to greet the boys!" Rachel says while dragging me from my seat. For someone so damn small she's kinda strong. It's slightly alarming. In a matter of minutes we're on the field waiting for the guys. Maverick comes out first and we jump on him. "Good job dude! That was sick. You're so fast!"
He starts laughing but he's smiling like he is so proud of himself. It kind of cute. But again will he tell him? No.
"Thank you ladies. You are too kind. Do you want an autograph while your here fangirling. I'd happily sign anything you offer"
And this is exactly why we won't tel him.
Landon walks up behind him and shoved him in the arm. "Ow. Dude. What the fuck."
Landon gives him a warning look and says "you know why"
Rachel and I start laughing while Landon Grabs Rachel for a kiss. Mav and I  both look away, because Landon is like a feral wolf when it comes to people watching Rachel. It's super cute in the possessive asshole way. But whatever floats your boat.
Avery comes running out of the lockers next and comes to hide behind me, he's laughing so I know he did something shitty.
"Avery, what did you do?"
He laughs harder but says "shh"
Not two seconds later an very half naked Lance comes out of the tunnel and you can totally tell he is fuming. But I can't stop laughing long enough to say anything.
"Where is Avery? That fucker stole my clothes."
Everyone starts laughing now. But I take a second and steady myself before saying. "I haven't seen him or anyones clothes? Are you sure he took them?"
Lances angry gaze swirls to me, before his eyes flick to my hand and where I'm pointing behind me. He subtly winks at me before loudly saying "well damn I guess I'll just go in what I've got on. I'll be back you guys. Wait up for me yeah?" He's looking right at me before he intentionally takes loud steps to make it sound like he's leaving. Avery steps out from behind and starts laughing quietly. But he doesn't have enough time to see Lance before he tackles him to the ground in just his underwear.
We all start laughing again. I'm almost crying as I watch Lance drag Avery back to the locker rooms.
Tonight's gonna be a good night.

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