Lowly peasants.

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My head is pounding. There's light streaming in a window on my left. It's too fucking bright. The birds are chirping and they are too fucking loud. I groan loudly and pull a pillow over my head. It's in this moment I realize I'm in a bed, one I haven't been in before. I try to open my eyes but they aren't having it. My head is hurting and I think I'm dying. I flip myself over onto my stomach. Oof that might be worse.
A masculine chuckle sounds beside me, I turn my head toward the noise, and whisper. "You're too loud." He laughs again, a hearty little laugh. The bed dips and I feel him leaving. "Avery. Don't leave me here, I'm on my death bed." My voice is raspy, sleep ridden and I don't want to get up.
"It's okay baby, I'm going to grab you some advil and water. Should help the hangover." He says quietly. I nod but I know he can't see me. I hear his footsteps pad out of the room and I force my eyes open. I move the pillow slightly, taking in my surroundings. There are little football trophies all over, pictures of Avery and the gang on the dresser. This must be his room. But, when did we get here and why am I in just a T-shirt and cotton panties . What the hell happened after we left? The door opens again, and in walks Avery in all his shirtless, muscular glory. Sweat pants hung low on his hips. Stubble lining his jaw. Beautiful, awful man. "Coffee?" I mumble. Avery smiles at me and hands me the water bottle and two pills. I take them from his hand sitting up slowly. "My fucking head" I grumble. The bed slants as Avery sits by me. "Coffee is making downstairs for when your ready to get out of the bed." I nod. "Mkay." I swallow the pills and guzzle half the bottle of water.
"So what all do you remember from last night?" Avery asks, placing a hand on my back rubbing soothing circles.
"Uhm" my cheeks flush. "Most of it, which you and I definitely need to talk about where your tattoos came from and where they went." I say turning so we're face to face.
"Okay. Anything else we need to discuss? Queen clover?" I blush furiously. Steeling my spine, i hold eye contact.
"I remember being fucked senseless. I remember feeling like you fucked me over for five seconds. But you haven't given me a reason not to trust you. So here we are. Um. I remember watching a threesome and then being informed that I am the object of not just your affections but of Lance's too." I arch a brow, continuing on " which might I add, is super weird that you want to share me, specifically when I feel like that was something you and I should've discussed together first. But you've made it clear that you like the idea, so I guess I'm not against it. But we need to figure out how that would work. Which means I'll have to talk to Lance. On a different note, yesterday was fun. Different but fun." I glance down, winding my fingers into Avery's. He leans forward and brushes a kiss to my cheek.
"Okay, so the tattoos are supposed to help aid the anonymity of the people involved. That's why, I want to say that, it's probably why it took you so long to figure out it was me. On that side of things, I have worked with mistress before. But she was never my dominate, nor I a sub. I knew you'd be there, Rachel had eyes on you and told me. So I went in with her. I also may have told her to get you into the arena."
He smiles at me.
"You fucker." I nudge his shoulder. "You set me up"
He laughs, pulling me into his lap. "I did, but you were beautiful, you did great, you adapted really well. I knew you could." He says with such reverence, I'm almost awestruck. I swallow thickly wrapping my legs around his waist. Why is he so fucking sweet? "You think so?" I ask barely above a whisper. He nods "absolutely."
I smile shyly. "Alright. Well now that we've cleared that up, you wanna tell me where we are and how I got here, I don't really remember much past my fourth or tenth tequila shot." I cringe. Avery chuckles. "Okay well, we established I was your boyfriend last night, and I'm pretty sure you told Lance he could be too." He says with an amused glint to his tone. "I remember that." I say with a shrug. Avery's eyebrows raise a notch. "Okay, we'll when I got you in the keep you threw up your guts before we even left the parking lot..."
Well fuck. Momma raised a bitch. I throw my hands over my face, shaking my head. "I'm so sorry" I say.
Avery's laugh shakes his body, he lets go of my hands and wraps me into his arms, pushing me flush against him. I feel like Bella, I'm a spider monkey.
"It's okay. You didn't get any in the keep so that's a win. But you passed out shortly after. I had to carry you inside. You weren't waking up for shit. Lance, Rachel, Landon and Mav are all here too. In there designated areas. Rach helped me strip you down and change you. Then we all went to sleep. We're at my house, you're just in my room instead of the guest room this time." I nod, and put my face in his neck. "How many of them already know what happened?" I ask, slightly terrified of the answer.
"They all do babe. Rachel said she told you that they played our arena on the flat screens. You were the star of every rich man's fantasy last night. And yet, I'm the only lucky son of a bitch that got to have you". I can hear the smug undertone to his voice. Cocky bastard. Beautiful, charming, cocky bastard.
"Happy about that are we?" I ask lightly. Avery laughs in response. "Can we get coffee now?" I ask him. He responds by hefting me into his arms and slides off the bed. Avery walks us out the door and I hear chatter from the kitchen area. It all goes radio silent when we enter. I peek up at Rachel who stands there with a mug outstretched toward me. I let myself fall out of Avery's arms, and grab the cup. Taking a small sip, before taking a deep breathe and waiting for the shit show to begin.
Mav looks me up and down with a stupid grin, he drops to one knee and yells. "ALL HAIL, QUEEN CLOVER". Rachel starts laughing and I duck my head into Avery's shoulder, but he's laughing. All of them are.
"Alright. Alright. Peasants, the lot of you." I say in a God awful Irish accent. We laugh more, I look at Landon who has that dopey smile on his face and Rachel's giggling. Landon and Rachel get on one knee and yell it again. I can't stand these fuckers. Avery's laughing so hard it's like he can't breathe.
Lance rounds the corner with wide eyes, before the settle on me. A smile playing on his lips. "Aye. Queen Clover has graced us lowly peasants with her company." He mocks.
I laugh, putting my arm around Avery. When the laughter dies off it's Landon who speaks the one question.
"Alright. We're all sober now, it's time to know what little trouble has decided. Is she sticking to one guy or is she gonna put poor little Lancey out of his misery?" He's smiling at me, a smile that screams encouragement, understanding. I glance at all of the group. No signs of judgement present, i risk a glance at Avery who probably already knows the answer.
"I guess, I have two boyfriends. Though one has some serious groveling to do." I say with a shrug. Rachel's answering smile is megawatt and could probably blind a weaker man.
"Fucking finally" Avery breathes out. Lance is smiling at the ground but doesn't say a word.
"I mean I guess, if he wants to worship a queen who am I to tell him no?" I say in a smug, tone. His head snaps up, eyes locking with mine. The smile he gives me is nothing short of devilish. Oh, fuck me. What did I just agree to?

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