College: Freahman year.

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After the incident at the concert I really expected things to be drastically different. They weren't. Avery and I flirted. Shocker. Lance acted indignant. Rachel and Landon were insufferable. Mav was chasing Elena like she was his salvation. It was all pretty funny. Rachel and I still hung out all the time, we didn't talk about what happened that night. There didn't really seem to be a point to.
The weeks went by fast Aaron left for Miami last Tuesday, but has promised to stay in touch. He knows what happened but hasn't said anything to anyone which I am eternally grateful for. I've moved into my dorm, Rach and I swung it so that we were roomies. So that works. Mom made me a farewell dinner and all is well. I'm excited to see what this chapter holds. But I'm a little concerned about how things are supposed to go now.
With the football season starting up all of the guys will be busy doing practices, and Rach and I will be cramming to study and stay afloat. I can't say I'm
Not excited. I so am. Fuck Lance.

Our first classes start in about 15 minutes, Rachel and I have 90% of them together. So that is an absolute plus. We're currently running to Starbucks because we are definitely being basic but it is what it is. My tan from the summer is super hot, maybe it'll last til the colder months. But from what I've gathered it doesn't really get to cold down here. So perks to that.
"What did you want again?"
I asked Rachel. "Iced caramel macchiato" like I said. Basic.
"Okay good."

After we grabbed our coffees we headed back to the academy building for intro to psychology.
Once we got there we walked into class arm in arm like we do everything and take our seats.
In a matter of minutes, our professor a old and lanky man who calls himself "Mr.Brewer" walks in and hands out our lists of materials needed. Which isn't too bad if I'm honest. Our psyc class drones on for what feels like ten years before class is dismissed and we have a 2 page homework assignment due by Friday. Already not looking forward to it. But it's a psychoanalysis paper. So I expect it to be difficult.

Pretty much as soon as we enter the hallway and body smacks into mine. "Oh shit my bad" he says. I look up and it's none other than Lance. "Yeah. Sure. It's cool." I mumble back in reply. I turn to go in the other direction but he grabs my arm. "Nat, listen I'm sorry. Can we please forget about that night on the beach?"
I look up at him searching for the lie. But I don't see one. "I don't know man, I don't like guys who try to give me shit about the things I do. Specifically guys who are too scared to make a move themselves." I shrug out of his grip and watch his face morph into the expression I see all the time. Blank. Indifferent. Cold. If im honest it hurts my heart a little. But my hearts black so the cracks can't shine through anymore anyway.
I watch as he turns in the opposite direction, and I just sit there for a second before I go after Rachel who has watched the entire thing.
She give me a pointed look. "He deserves that. Don't feel bad."
I laugh her off and respond with "feeling and would mean that I have feelings involved. I don't. He's just a guy I know.

She says nothing else as we make our way to the next class.

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