Tattoos and secrets.

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"LET ME SEE!!!" Rachel yelled as soon as I cleared the door. Lance let me lead, but he was following close behind me. Avery was sitting on the table with a wicked expression on his face, one that promised torture. Little did he know I had evil plans for him.
Rachel bonded toward me like an excited golden retriever. "Let me see.  Let me see. Let me see"
I rolled my eyes, turning around as Lance past me, and pulling the shirt over my head. The rooms suddenly got very quite. Not sure why, you can't see anything. Other than my back.
Keeping the shirt tucked in place over my chest I turned toward her and the guys, with my eyebrows raised. "What?"
Rachel shook her head and then said "that's so hot".
I smiled at her, "thanks. I've been planning this one for awhile now."
Avery walked up to me, placing both hands on my shoulder before turning me around. He placed a sweet delicate kiss to my shoulder before whispering in my ear in a dangerous tone "princess, put that shit back on before I take you against the wall, and then gouge out everyone's eyes for looking at you too long". Trouble. This man is trouble. And I'm in deep shit. "What if I want you to take me where everyone can watch?" I whispered back.
Avery's smile was nothing short of devious. Before he tugged my shirt free of my grip and slid it back down my torso. "You're not ready for all that attention yet baby, but if you're a good girl for me, maybe we can play like that sometime soon"
Jesus fucking Christ.
I held and the released a shaky breath. Before turning back to face him. Smiling at him, I'm sure I looked like a conspirator but I still said "maybe I like being bad Avery. Do you?" I flicked his nose with my index finger before walking past him to sit beside Rachel who had sat on Landon's lap when Avery approached to sit next to me.
"I'm thinking movie night and pizza guys. That cool?" Mavs voice Carrie s from the kitchen.
We all responded with a variety of yeses. Mav put in the order and the guys picked some action movie. But I wasn't interested in the movie at all. I wanted food and sleep. Primarily. Maybe dick. Who knows.

It only took a maximum of 20 minutes for the pizzas to get here, we all dug in. All of us laughing at Avery as cheese dripped down his chin, or just recalling last night. Maverick was more than happy to share his horny details with the group. Landon of course kept his mouth shut, but Rachel was a blushing with such ferocity I wondered what they had gotten up to.  Lance talked about the Brittany chick he was with last night, said she was a decent fuck, but that she talked too much. I wanted to laugh at his playboy ways but it left me feeling oddly unsettled. The only thing that really got a rose out of me was when he said her moans resembled those to a wounded cow. Everyone laughed at that. Poor dude. Avery took it upon himself to brag about his pretty little lay last night, like I've wasn't right by him. He referred to me as a rising star that would soon rule to porn industry with my moaning capability. I blushed more times than I could even count. Fucking Avery. I ended up hiding my face in my hands to escape the looks of the guys and Rachel's giddy expression. 
After we ate we all piled on the sectional. Rachel and Landon sat on the love seat across the room. Mav took the recliner and I was sandwiched between Lance and Avery. But that's not a big deal. I leaned my head against Avery's shoulder and laid my legs over Lances lap. But I guess as the movie went on my head slid down into his lap, until I was comfortable. I don't really remember falling asleep, but I guess I did because when I woke up I was still on Avery. But Lance had slumped over and had his head and the top of my thigh. There was no moving from this spot. If I did I'd wake them both up. I trie stop stretch a little, but not too much. I brought my hand down on Lance's head an ran my fingers through his hair. It was so soft and much thicker than I expected. I played with his hair until I fell back asleep. I awoke again, when I felt a finger touch my cheek. I didn't open my eyes though, the thought scared me. Lance's voice reaches me in the dark "so damn beautiful" he rubbed his thumb across my cheekbone before placing a very brief and fleeting kiss to my lips. "I can't have you yet Nat. But God do I want to." He whispered the last part. My heart was racing and I wanted so bad to surge up and just kiss him but that wouldn't work. He hasn't groveled enough for my tastes. Not to mention. It's too sticky.
Lost in my thoughts o barely registered making out Avery's voice. "You know, I think she will like it. She's into things I didn't expect when we started talking about it."
I heard Lance sigh but kept quite. "She's not ready Av. I can't bring her in until then." Avery slid out from under me before scooping me into his arm. I stirred a little. Blinking my eyes open to look at him. "Hi" I mumbled. Avery's answering smile was heart wrenching  and beautiful and fucking DANGEROUS. "Hi gorgeous. Go back to sleep I'm just carrying you up" I nodded but my brain was swirling. What the fuck are they trying to prep me for?!

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