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The following month flew by so fast if I blinked I would've missed it. The guys, Rachel and I literally spent all of our time together and were consistently challenging one another to different dumb things. One was climbing the shelves in Sam's Club and standing on the top doing the Macarena. That was Avery's best one if I do say so myself. Aaron jumped into the game too for that last little bit he is here. We have all hung out together pretty much every day. Either at the beach or the diner up the road. But no matter where we were the challenges never stopped. Lance has made it his mission to make mine always the hardest, and I always make mine better than his. One upping him in every way. Probably because it's fun. But who knows. It's funny to see him get all flustered because he never wins against me. Landon and Rachel are a full force couple now, which is surprising. But not really. Avery and Mav are pure blooded players. They have zero chill. Lance is more to himself. I actually haven't seen him hook up with anyone. But I haven't done that either so who am
I to judge? I will say that the sexual tension between Lance and I is intense. But I am so not interested in a relationship and is screwing around would mess with the dynamic of the group.  So better not. Rachel gushes about Landon and is so love struck it's almost sickening, but she's happy and that's all that matters.
The video is always a topic of conversation when I meet new people. I guess going viral does that. Not my proudest moment, but whatever. I'll live with it. From what I've seen from back home Jess is actually pregnant and Jase is nowhere to be found. Tough luck. I feel bad for her, but not really. Jase always was a piece of shit.

The latest challenge I was given was to infiltrate the "end of summer" concert this evening and steal the show. Little do these fuckers know I've been taking singing lessons since I was 7. So I've got pipes to spare. I'm working on setting my plan in motion. I actually met with the lead singer of the band performing last night and told her about the challenges and all of the tidbits that go with it. Of course the 28 year old girl, Elena was thrilled to help me set the boys in place. I have Rachel in on it too, but the guys don't know. Nor will they until this afternoon. Rachel, Elena and I all bought our specialty outfits from the lingerie store. Poor Lance. He doesn't know what he's gotten into.

It's about 2pm and the concert starts at 7, so we are all going back over the choreography one last time. If I do say so myself I think we look hot as fuck. But that may just be me. Once we wrapped up with the dances we're going to grab a bite to eat and then work on getting everything put together.

*at the diner*
"So, are you ever going to admit that you lowkey think he's hot, or are we going to pretend this whole performance is just because your like winning?"
I sputtered my drink and look at Rachel who is smiling into her cup while Elena keeps her eyes trained on me.
"Uhm. Well I mean.."
I look back and Rachel who is now trying to keep herself from laughing.
"What's funny Rach?" I ask, annoyed
"You bitch. You are funny. I already know you think he's hot. But I also know you probably aren't jumping on the opportunity because of your trust issues. However, you could do us all a favor and just fuck him. Just once. So that the itch is scratched and we aren't all drowning in the sexual tension"
My jaw drops. Elena is cackling like a witch and I have now decided I hate them both.
"I hate you guys" I drop my head into my hands.
"No, no you don't" Elena laughs again.
I tip my coke to my mouth and swallow audibly.
"If I'm honest, I've only ever been with one person. One. I wouldn't even know what to do with him. My experience is so limited and it would probably be awful."
The both go silent.
"You've only ever been with Jase? Are you serious?" Rachel asks.
"Yes dude. We were together from my sophomore year til the end of senior. So yeah. Only one."
"Not to mention if I slept with anyone, it would be Avery. Simply because I think that it wouldn't hurt the dynamic of our group. Sleeping with Lance would be wild and I can't. Like I can't do that. There would be feelings involved and I just, dude I can't."
Rachel and Elena stare out my with their jaws hanging open.
"Well, I will say I'm thrilled to know that you think my ability to fuck you would be top notch. But you are absolutely right about screwing Lance changing things." Avery said as he plopped down beside me.
Holy mother of fuck. I'm going to die.
My cheeks are burning. I know that they are crimson. I can't even look at him.
Rachel and Elena get it together and just start laughing while I am silently crying inside for the world to swallow me whole.
Avery nudges me with his shoulder and says "it's okay Nat, I won't tell anyone your horny little secrets. But if it makes you feel any better. I've pictured you naked, MANY times."
Rachel spit takes across the table "Jesus Christ Avery! Seriously?!"
Avery starts laughing, and shrugs his shoulders. "To add a little more embarrassment to Natasha's serving of self-loathing, if you are worried about doing it well, which I know you are because I've been eavesdropping the whole time.  I would be more than happy to teach you a thing or two."
"Avery" I hissed. "Please be a little quieter" i can't deal with this. I'm going to die. Die I tell you.
he puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. Close enough to whisper in my ear "do I even want to know what you have planned this evening?"
I grin and look at him, we are inches apart, so I close the remaining distance to where my lips graze his as I say "guess you'll just have to wait and see huh?"
Then I lean back, putting distance between us again. He's answering smile is devilish and intimate as he nods "oh yeah. You're gonna be fine. Tease."
I smile at the girls who are looking at me knowingly. Like they've already figured out exactly why I'm going to do. Which they may have but who knows.

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