After party

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Avery and I walk into the party together. We immediately spot the gang. I guess my face is till a little flushed as Avery and I get close because Rachel's eyes widen when she sees me, but she stays in Landon's lap. However she give me the "we will talk later" look and I nod at her. "Princess, what do you want to drink?" Avery asks. All heads of our group snap up, but I make no effort to look at there faces. I look at Avery and ask "if you could somehow get me a tequila sunrise that would be great. I feel like tonight's going to need hard liquor." He grins and me before he walks off. I plop down on the floor in between Landon's legs so Rachel can talk to me.
"You wanna tell me what happened in the 20 minute drive it took y'all to get here?" Rachel whispers.
I giggle. "Later baby." She gives me a megawatt smile and turns back to Landon. The music and party goers are in full force right now. Everyone smacking the guys and congratulating them. When Avery get back to us and hands me my drink I thank him before downing it. I still haven't had the balls to look at Lance. But it's whatever I guess.
"Nat, do you wanna come sit over here?" Avery asks
"Oh how sweet of you" grumbles Lance. But I'm so over his attitude. He could've tried at any point to get with me. But he didn't and I'm not going to sit around waiting for him.
"Actually, Avery do you wanna go dance with me?" Rachel jumps up, as I stand dragging Landon with her. "We're coming" Rachel grins.
Avery and I get out there together and the song that comes on fits perfectly. It's an oldie. But it's gold. ' promiscuous girl' is playing by Nelly Furtado. We start dancing together. But Avery and I are laughing at how well this song fits our previous conversation. He turns me around so my back is to his front and we are swaying with the beat. But I'm quietly singing the song while Avery is humming it in my ear and he says along with the song "I want you on my team" and I giggle throwing my hands up before saying "so does everybody else". Avery is definitely the kind of guy I could get lost in. He's fun. Energetic. Funny. Sweet and hell, atleast he knows what he wants. But he has never once denied he had a thing for me. So I really might take him up on that deal. As the song wraps up we walk back to the group and Lance know has a brunette who oddly resembles me in his lap. He gives me a look, like he's satisfied. Little does he know, I've got a bigger ace up my sleeve and he just sealed my choice. When Avery sits back down I go and sit in his lap, With my feet propped on Mavs leg.
"So what's the plan tonight guys? Are we staying at Mavs all night, or are we going back to the dorms. Like what's up?" Rachel asks.
Landon says they are staying. Mav obviously is staying. Lance looks at the girl in her lap and asks if she wants to stay, which of course she says yea. Because he is beautiful and she would have to be stupid to say no. "What about you princess, do you want to stay or go?" I grin "what are you planning to do Avery? Are you wanting to hang or do you want to go back to your place?" His eyebrows raise. "Whatever you want?" I smile again and look at Mav. "You got room bro?" I ask.
He nods and says "Avery has his own and I'll set you up in the guest room." Avery speaks next "you don't have to. She can stay in my room." I nod at him. Avery leans closer to my ear and says "so should I take this decision as you decided to play with me"
I blush a little bit nod, laying my head down in the crook of his neck.
"Okay guys well I'm going to dip up to my room" Lance speaks. When I look at him I notice the girl is gone. "Night." I mumble. He looks at me, but he looks a little bent. "Nat, can we talk in the kitchen for a second" I nod at him and go to get up, but Avery keeps me there. When I look at him, he has a mischievous grin on his face. He kisses my cheek. And then let's me go. As I stand he smacks my ass, I look over my shoulder laughing. Lance does not look impressed. But I follow him regardless.

When we get in the kitchen he hands me the bottle of tequila and I grab some pineapple juice and grenadine. I start making my drink and offer one to him. Which he takes happily.
"Alright Lance. What do you want?"
He sits his drink down and looks me over once. I know what he's looking for. Avery's number is on the front. I turn around so he can see the back of my shirt. "I repped you too"
He smiles a small one and nods. "Thanks"
He sits there for a second but doesn't say anything.
"Well... Lance if there's nothing To say I'm going to go"
"Natasha. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"You're good dude, I'd have to care for it to hurt." I shrug. "It seriously not a big deal. You were jealous. It happens. All you had to do was say so. You also could've kissed me too, but you didn't. I'm not bent up about it. Besides don't you have a girl waiting for you in your room?"
He grimaced. "Yeah I do."
"Then go have fun. We aren't anything to each other. We're barely even friends, like you said. It's whatever." I shrug again and walk back into the living room with a drink in hand.

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