Part 2.7

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Warning: Character Death, blood

"We got the stones, I found the spell... Now what?"

Kenma asked, holding the crown that was supposed to kill Oikawa. His father...

He sighed.

"We have to sneak into Seijoh's castle. Sadly, this is the hard part. Its defense is the best, because of Yaku-san."

Tobio responded. Hinata tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you use honorifics for characters? They're not even real?"

He questioned.

"It's called respect, boke!!"

Hinata huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Tobio sighed.

"I think I have a plan."

He said, then.

"It's a bit risky, but it's all we have so far."

Kenma signaled for him to go on.

"Okay, you see..."


Tobio shivered as he walked the somewhat familiar corridor towards his father's throne, Sir Yahaba right behind them.

"Do we trust Kageyama this much?"

He heard Kenma whisper.

"I do! I trust him with my life!"

Hinata whispered back, grinning. Tobio tried to mask his smile.

He stopped in front of the door and knocked three times. Then, he opened it.


He called. And for the first time in his life, he was not afraid.


He stepped up, kneeling before his father. Make it believable.

"I'm sorry, father. I have been naive. I should have never run away."

King Oikawa smiled. Tobio almost felt bad. He knew a malicious paternal smile when he saw one, and this was not one. No! Focus!

"To prove myself, I brought you the wizard and my former companion."

"Ah, I did hear you had a new pet! Good job, Tobio!"

For a single moment, Tobio let himself imagine what it would be like if he didn't run away from him. If he didn't betray him. If he stayed back.

He got a glimpse of Hinata, looking at King Oikawa somewhat scared.

It doesn't matter.

Sir Yahaba pushed Kenma to the floor, making him fall on his knees.

King Oikawa stood before him, lifting his head so their eyes met. Hinata moved closer to Tobio. Tobio took his hand.

"You're pretty... Too bad you're about to die~"

"You can just keep him as a prisoner."

Prince Kuroo spoke, sounding somewhat anxious. King Oikawa turned to him, glaring. Hinata stepped closer to Tobio, who tightened his held on the shorter boy's hand.

"Perhaps you'd like to follow his fate then, Tetsu-chan?"

King Oikawa asked with a fake smile. Prince Kuroo went quiet. Hinata looked at him, then Kenma, then Tobio.

"I'm scared"

Hinata mouthed.

"I know. It's gonna be okay."

Tobio whispered.

"That's what I-"


Everyone's eyes went wide, as Prince Kuroo stepped next to the wizard.

"If you're going to kill him, kill me first."


"Fine by me~"

Hinata covered his mouth, as King Oikawa snapped his fingers and Kuroo exploded. Blood went everywhere. King Oikawa wiped the blood from his cheek.

A tear went down Hinata's cheek. Tobio squeezed his hand.

"Such a shame... Now! Where were we?"

Kenma stayed quiet, his expression getting darker. Hinata was trying hard not to cry.

"Oh right! Your death!"

Hinata buried his face in Tobio's shoulder. Tobio hugged him, shielding him from the terror of this reality.

Kenma jumped, putting the crown on King Oikawa's head.

"Ave, Oikawa, morituri te salutant!"


There was a blinding light. Tobio closed his eyes while squeezing Hinata.

The light soon subdued. The crown fell on the carpet. King Oikawa was gone.

"That was for Kuroo, you bitch!"

Kenma said to no one in particular. Tobio let Hinata go. Even with blood on his face, he looked kinda- NOPE!

Goal complete!

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