Wisdom Teeth Removal (Klaus Imagine)

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Imagine

Klaus' POV
"Y/N please stop messing with the window," I tell Y/N as she leans on the side of the door, practically clutching it as she keeps rolling the window up and down. She turns her head slowly, she stares at me for a moment before flashing me a sinister smile that rivals my own, as she does this the gauges from her wisdom teeth surgery make an appearance and I can see how they're covered in blood and "Looks like we shall be changing those when we get home," I tell her as she starts poking at them, which makes a disgusted sound emit from my mouth. She looks at me as if I had just kicked her cat across the room. "Um EXCUSE ME!" She yells into my ear, my enhanced hearing catching every octave of her enraged voice. She tries to lean over the middle console for some reason but her seat belt snaps her back onto it her seat. She gives me a harsh glare now and I clutch the steering wheel in front of me in case she tries to ram us off the road. "I know NEKlaus MIKAELson didn't just find me disgusting! Mr. "I am HYBRID!" She tries to mock my accent, which with the gauges comes out slightly horrible. "Love, I don't find you disgusting, only your lack of manners while high." I send her a sarcastic smile as I look back to the road, as I pull into the driveway to the compound. "I am not high." She says under her breath. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. I put the car into park and as soon as I turn it off, I watch as Y/N unlocks her door, unbuckles her seatbelt and tries to sprint off but trips over her feet. I sigh to myself as I speed over to her and pick her up from under her arms and then maneuver her so I'm holding her bridal style"I meant to do that." She tells me, I look down at her only to be met with a self confident look. "Of course love." "I miss Rebekah. I love Rebekah, Rebekah is so pretty." She starts saying to herself as I open up the front door. I can't fight the urge this time to roll my eyes as I see my sister stroll over to us with a shit-eatting grin on her bloody face. "I love you too, My Dear Y/N." Rebekah tells her which makes Y/N let out a a screech of excitement. I snarl at my sister for what she's started which only earns a laugh from her. "It appears someone has been given something for the pain." She tells Y/N as she brushes a loose strand of Y/N's hair out of her face. Y/N looks over to me and then Rebekah then back at me as she laughs to herself. "You're lucky Marcel snagged your sister Nik, or I'd be dating a different Mikaelson right now." She says as she smirks at Rebekah. I start walking away from my sister, done with the conversation, and feeling the sudden urge to find a nice little coffin for my sister to take a nap in. "Bye, bye Bekah!" Y/N calls from over my shoulder. "Have a good nap love!" Rebekah calls back, a laugh evident in her voice. After what has to be 30 minutes of Y/N talking about the beauty of the Mikaelson siblings and her trying to play with my hair, I finally get her to lay down in our bed. Only because I told her I'd lay with her and let her wear one of my henleys, which happens to be her favorite for some reason. "I was just kidding about the Bekah thing you know." She tells me as she cuddles up to my chest. My arms are holding her securely to myself, to make sure she doesn't try to sprint away from me again. "You'll always be my favorite Mikaelson, well after Hope of course. Have to have my priorities in check, you know." My undead heart warms as she speaks about my daughter with a motherly love in her voice. I place a kiss on the top of her forehead. "I know love, I know." "And I really do appreciate you taking care of me after my surgery. I doubt anyone else would," her face is scrunched up as she thinks to herself, "well, maybe Freya or Elijah but they're not here. Definitely not Kol though! Could you imagine trusting Kol Mikaelson to watch over you?" She exclaims, throwing her hands up in emphasis. "I'm high as hell right now, and not even I think that'd be a good idea." "It really wouldn't" I agree with her. I brush my fingers up and down her arm soothingly, "You don't have to thank me, my love. I wouldn't trust anyone else to make sure you're ok right now anyways." "I could've taken perfect care of myself." Y/N says. "Didn't you fall out of the car?" I ask her, a smirk on my voice. "I meant to do that, you know this." Y/N says sounding tired. "Of course love." I say tracing random shapes on her arms.

Owners tumbler user: athenamikealson

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