Your First Kiss: Girls

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After the sleepover, Caroline and I had made it official. But we've never kissed yet. I was waiting out side the school, my black mini copper parked behind me. My black mini dress giving me goosebumps on my legs due to the wind. My doc martens making me seem a little bit taller. My fishnets not doing anything to keep my legs warm. I look at the door seeing all the students walk out. I see my blonde haired lover in the crowd of teenagers. I see a football player, I think his name is Tyler, flirting with her. I lose my cool and fix my black leather jacket and walk up behind her. My arm going around her shoulders. "You ready to go gorgeous?" I whisper in her ear. Caroline turns towards me and peck me on the lip. I hold her closer and kiss her harder. She pulls away, "Yeah baby. I'm ready." She says. I wait for her, before I turn around and show Tyler my all black eyes before anyone can see, I change them back. I walk over to my car and drive Caroline to my apartment. We watch T.V and cuddle. Sneaking kisses every once in a while.
               (Your Outfit:)

Bonnie:I was waiting for Bonnie outside of Mr

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I was waiting for Bonnie outside of Mr. Saltzman's class. I had study hall this period. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for the bell to ring. I look at my watch and notice I had two minutes left. I lean back on the locker and the bell rung. Bonnie being the first person out of the class room. I walk up next to her and hold her hand. She looks at me and smiles. I admire her smile and smile back. We walk into the cafeteria and she went to sit with Elena. I twirled her around and pecked her lips. I can see her flushed cheeks and she kissed me again. She pulled away and hugged me. I hug back and kiss her neck gently and she sat with Elena. I grabbed our lunch and she led me over to her friends. I felt a little left out because of my outfit and style. But i'm not changing my style for some random people. My cut sweater standing out against my jean shorts. I lean my head in Bonnie's shoulder, eating my slice of pizza.

Elena:I was severely anxious

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I was severely anxious. I'm at work, and a drunk guy keeps hitting on me. I wasn't even supposed to work today, until somebody called in sick. My eye keeps twitching and my breath got caught in my throat when I seen I was off shift. I took off my uniform and jeans and threw on a white skirt with my pink tank top. I put my work clothes in my bag and I changed out of my work shoes and into my white converse. I put those in my bag and start walking home. But the same guy from earlier following me. I shift my direction to Elena's house. He got closer so I started jogging. He started jogging to. I started sprinting to Elena's house and when i got there i started pounding on the front door. "Elena!! Open the door!! Please!!" I yelled, "Somebody open the damn door!!" I also yelled as he started getting closer. Elena opened the door and i jumped into the house, slamming and locking the door. "Baby what's wrong??" Elena asked softly. At this point, i'm hyperventilating. "Lena! H-he was fo-following me!" I managed to get out. Before i even knew it, Elena pressed her soft lips onto mine. My breath calmed down, and I started kissing back. Elena's hands go on my cheeks, my hands finding her neck. After I'm calm she pulls away. But I pulled her back, not noticing Stefan and Damon in the living room until Stefan clears his throat. I pulled away flushed and smile sheepishly. Elena helps me up and kicks the brothers out. We layed down on the couch, me on top of her. Her massaging my scalp. I sigh in content and fall asleep.
(Outfit Below:)

Rebekah:Rebekah has been very distant

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Rebekah has been very distant. I don't know if i've done something wrong or not. So, I walked to the Mikealson mansion. Absolutely not terrified of the Mikealsons at all. I knock on the door and Elijah answers. He looks me over, and I feel self conscious of my outfit. He's so put together with his suit, but I came over in my black sleep shorts and a black pullover, and my slippers. As you can tell, I just rolled out of bed. "Can i come in?" I ask confidently. Elijah moves out of the way. I walk up into Rebekah's room and i'm in awe. I lay on her bed after i heard the shower running. I slipped my slippers off and read a Grimoire that's on her dresser. I flip through the pages not hearing Rebekah walk out and getting dressed. I hum while reading the grimoire. Rebekah knocks me out of my reading my taking the grimoire out of my hands. I pout and say, "Hey!" But before i can finish, she pecks my lips and tackles me to the bed for cuddles.
             (Outfit Below:)

             (Outfit Below:)

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