Your First Arguement: Girls

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I couldn't help it. Caroline has been getting super close to Stefan. Even though i'm a demon angel hybrid I still have feelings. Not only that, I've been really depressed. Caroline basically moved into the Salvatore house. She barely talks to me. But, she's coming over to my apartment today. I cooked her spaghetti and meatballs, her favorite. I even got changed out of my smelly sweatpants and hoodie into a dress. I never wear dresses! I fix my hair as she knocks on my door. The food already on plates, and set up. I go to hug her, she hugs me but something feels off. I pull away and decide not to mention it and invite her in. I pull her chair out for her. "Want anything to drink Care?" I ask softly. "No. I'm good." Caroline says with an attitude. I just blow up. "Caroline what the hell is your problem!?" I yell. "What are you talking about?" She asks defensively. "The attitude! The distance! The cold shoulder! That's what i'm talking about!" I yell trying not to have a full on breakdown, not trying to cry. But my voice cracks mid sentence. "You're the problem! I can't get any space! You're always up my ass!" She yells. I step back, tears rolling down my face. "Get out." I say coldly. She seems to have just realized what she said. "Baby i'm sorry i didn't mea-" She tries to say. "Caroline i'm being serious. Get out. If i'm such a problem i'll leave and never look back." I say and before she has a chance to say anything, I teleport out of my apartment.
Bonnie has been risking her life for Elena. She's almost died multiple times. We're at the Salvatore house at the moment. Bonnie is in the middle of a spell and her nose starts to bleed. I get up, my pajamas being to big, and going under my feet. "Bonnie stop the spell." I say trying to get her to stop the spell. She keeps chanting. "DAMN IT BONNIE STOP THE SPELL." I yell. My eyes filling up with tears. I go to stop her, but Stefan holds me back. "STEFAN LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I yell using all my strength to get away, but failing. "BONNIE STOP IT!!" I yell on the top of my lungs. Bonnie's eyes roll in the back of her head. "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!" I yell. I finally get free of Stefan, not hearing a heartbeat. I collapse to the floor, feeling numb. "She's gone." I say numbly. I stand up and walk over to Elena. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! I LOST MY HOME! ALL BECAUSE THESE ASSHOLES KEEP TRYING TO SAVE YOU! I'm gonna kill you." I pause for a second. "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I right hook her in the face. "I have nothing left." I say numbly before going over to pick up Bonnie's body until i hear a heartbeat. I hold her head on my lap, playing with her hair. Bonnie gasps awake. "Baby?" She says with a weak voice. "Bonnie, come see me when you get your senses together." I say. "Baby I'm sorry. I had to protect Elena." She says. "I thought I lost you. You were my home Bonnie. I have nobody left. And you trying to sacrifice yourself? Isn't for me. So come to me when your sense are back. And Elena isn't your top priority. You know where i live." I say and walk out. Going home to sleep.
I swear to all gods if Elena tries to sacrifice herself, my head is gonna blow off. Especially for Klaus. She's over at my house waiting for Klaus to come to offer herself. "Elena please. I can't do this alone." I say crying. "Baby, I have to do this." She says crying as well. "You don't understand! I need you. If i lost you, I'd lose myself." I say sobbing. "I know sunshine. But i have to do this for me." She says. I notice Klaus outside. "BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!? What about me!? Don't do this for you! Do this for me and stay!" I say hyperventilating. "Sunshine I wish it was that easy. But it's not." She says and goes to the door. "ELENA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" I yell. "I'm sorry." She says and walks out to Klaus. I go to leave the house, but a boundary spell is on my house. "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" I yell but I pass out.
I can't keep running back in circles with Rebekah. One minute she loves me, the next minute she doesn't acknowledge my existence. So, I distanced myself from self. Not going to visit her, I ignore her phone calls and texts, I pretend i'm not home when she comes over. But today, she came over but i wasn't prepared. Me, being depressed as fuck, wearing sweat pants, a hoodie, and fluffy socks not even thinking before I open the door. Rebekah takes a look over my body, "Love what's wrong." She says softly. "The problem is you giving me mixed signals." I say numbly. "If you don't want to be with me just say that." I say. "I do want to be with you!" She says. "But the mixed signals! One second i'm your world, the next i'm just a piece of scum on your shoe. I can't do that Bekah." I say, and go to close the door. "I'll try better. I promise." She says. I open the door and nod, inviting her in.

(A/N: I'm sorry these aren't that good. I had no ideas on the last two. But I hope you enjoyed!!)

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