But It Wasn't Aimee

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Joel slowly awoke to the sound of someone moving around, he didn't know where he was.

Indoors. That's all he knew, that he was indoors somewhere.

Wait. Aimee found him.

"Aimee? Aimee!" He said and sat up after seeing his girlfriend.

"Hey, Take it easy. You're still pretty messed up from all the poison. How do you feel?" She asked, walking over to him and lowering him to lie back down.

"I feel...good, yeah" He said and looked at Aimee. It had been seven years since he saw her so he wanted to take a good look at her, he noticed how her hair was similar to how it was seven years ago which meant there must have been a hairdresser or something in her colony. 

"What was it like? I mean, you have to tell me everything." Aimee said, looking down at him on the bed.

"Honestly, it wasn’t that bad. I don’t know what everyone’s complaining about." Joel chuckled. Aimee looked surprised at his comment.

"No, it was terrible. I almost… died a lot. It’s so good to see you. I’m lucky you found me when you did." Joel nodded, he had almost died when aimee found him. From what Joel could remember, when Aimee found him, he kissed her before passing out.

"And hey, we… kissed." Joel said and smiled at her.

"You were hallucinating pretty hard." Aimee said, trying to stop him from talking.

"How amazing was that, huh?"

"You kissed Old Pete." Aimee cut him off. Joel didn't believe here and laughed.

"Oh. Yeah. That’d be hilarious......Oh, yeah, I really did." He said, realising that he actually did kiss Old Pete. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

A voice could be heard in the distance before it becoming clear who that voice belonged to.

"Joel?" Arrow came in to the room, relieved to see that Joel was alive and okay.

"Arrow! Thank god!" Joel said happily as Arrow ran over and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry I left, I shouldn't have left you but I'm so glad you're okay!" They said not letting go for quite a long length of time. Aimee cleared her throat.

"Oh Arrow, this is Aimee. Aimee, this is Arrow" He said gesturing to the both of them.

Arrow turned around to greet Aimee.

"It's nice to meet you" They said, outstretching their hand for aimee to shake it.

"Same to you" She said and shook their hand.

"What was that you said on the radio about...." Joel said, hinting at the mentioning of other rescuers in the colony.

"Yeah. This yacht captain and his crew show up out of the blue." Aimee shrugged, she seemed pretty grateful that this yacht captain showed up.

"Did you say a yacht captain?" Joel asked

"Yeah, he says he can find us a safe place to live and a new home. I’m trying to pack everything up right now." Aimee nodded, Arrow sat on the bed next to Joel. Although Aimee seemed nice enough, they were still not fond of her.

Totally not because they loved Joel.

Totally not...

"Why is he called a yacht captain?" Joel asked

"...I'm assume he's the captain of a yacht" Arrow said and chuckled at Joel.

"Oh shut up, you know what I meant" He laughed

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