chapter two

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                        Ophelia's pov

It's almost half past 7 and the bakery will soon be filled with the morning rush of customers. One of my favourite things about working the register is that I get to meet some familiar and some new faces all day. People are so unique and interesting. It's strange how we all live different lives but are still connected. Like through social media or God or even through  this cute little bakery. It makes me feel kind of special that I get to play a role in this great web of humanity.

"Excuse me?" A voice said in front of me. "Oh, sorry. How may I help you?" "Hi I would like to check out." She answered. "Of course. Would you like a bag ma'am?" "What kind of question is that? Obviously, I would like a bag. Did you really expect that I would carry this outside with my bare hands. Insolent girl." She replied. "Of course not, the customer is always right." On some unfortunate days you have the pleasure of meeting those new faces that turn out to be vile on the inside.

The world was originally balanced but as humanity developed that balance soon became distorted. The scales of justice slowly becoming favourable to one side. Sadly that side was not for the better of mankind. Luckily we have the rain. I believe that when it rains, the rain washes away a little evil from the world. Drop by drop. Puddle by puddle. Storm by storm.

"And now for the most streamed song..." The radio announced. "I wanna bump right now. I'm Ayesha and bitch I get down..." "Oooooo, I love this song!"

"I got a thin waist, model legs looking pussy in the face. Downtown need a date your girlfriend can participate." I sang as I causually danced around the bakery. It's really quiet and boring now. Rush hour finished about 15 minutes ago and I'm glad to say that I didn't have to deal with anymore rude customers after that chienne (I'm not sure if that's correct, I used google translate- Bitch).

"OPHELIA!" My dad yelled from the kitchen. "Come here and help with the next batch of macaroons." He finished. "Coming!" I quickly left the register running to the kitchen to help my dad. Don't worry, Jerry, one of my friends and co-workers took over for me so the money was safe. I'm not dumb enough to leave money vunerable like that. Money is almost everything now days. You can't live without it.

"So what colour are we making them this time?" "How about you decide and you can arrange the displays as well." My dad replied. "You really mean that dad?" He nods his head with a slight smile on his lips. "Thanks, you're the best. Now, I'm thinking we should go for something a little different from our usual batches." I raise my hands and connect my fingertips with each other forming an almost triangular shape in front of me. "I got it! We should do purple macaroons!" "Sure, why not. Alright I'll grab the food colouring, you get started on the batter." "Ok."

I love baking macaroons. It's actually one of my favourite things to bake. There's something about it that just draws me towards them. It's almost like a magnet in that sense. "Do you remember the story of this place mon lupine? (My lupine- referring to the flower.)" My dad questioned me. "Yes dad, you have told me about it a million times already." I mentally groaned. "Well then you should know why it was named Le Dauphin d'Argent." He said. "Well you see, I always fall asleep before that part so I can't really answer that question."

"I see" he says sighing. "Well I'll remind you.Your grandfather Louis Duval founded this bakery in the early 1960's. His parents did not support his dreams to become a baker. They believed that a man should not be in the kitchen. Your grandfather thought otherwise and believed that the kitchen was welcome to any and everyone. Hence him and his wife, Marie Duval, moved to Toulouse in search of a home and a suitable location for their dream.

They eventually came across a run down and ancient looking building. It was falling apart but your grandfather took one look at it and realised that it was perfect. Even though it was old and falling apart your grandfather saw the true potential it had. He had a premonition that it could one day be the best bakery Toulouse has ever seen.

Your grandparents worked very hard to restore it, to its former glory. They kept the original design and only changed the decor. The bakery was ideal as it had an upper level that your grandparents transformed into the apartment. They had found all they were searching for. A place to call home and a place to house their dream.

The name was inspired by his sister who always supported him and his dreams for the future. She adored aquatic life and dolphins especially. That's only half the name though, the other half was inspired by his wife. When they got married he bought her a simple but elegant silver necklace. It was embedded with small silver stones that sparkled like real diamonds in the sunlight. I've only seen it twice in my life. For my sister's wedding and for mines. And that Mon lupine (my Lupine) is the story of Le dauphin d'argent."

"Wow. That had a really deep meaning. I just thought grand-père (grandfather) just drank a little too much gold dolphin (a made up alcohol and brand. It's similar to scotch.) and was approaching the deadline for the name. So he just changed the colour before they sued ya know."

"Hahaha." My dad's laughter echoed through the bakery as I tried to calm him down before he scared all the customers. "Mon lupine u make me laugh. Well you should probably go arrange the display now."

"Oh right, I totally forgot. See ya later père (dad)."

Authors note

I use Google translate so I'm not sure about the accuracy of the meanings. Hope y'all enjoyed.

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