chapter seven

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Luke's pov

Ugh when can I catch a break? I should have just stayed late last night and finished filling in the paperwork for our upcoming export. My company or rather 'business' aims to supply firearms, all types of weapons and certain gases to all countries in the world. Now whether these shipments are legal or not is for the container surveyor to decide.

My 'business' is called S & H Enterprise. This company was established by my great-grandfather. It's been passed on ever since. I'm sure you can do the math. The company always thrived and in the recent years since I've joined it's grown to become quite notorious on the black market. To the public's eye we're just your regular common shipping enterprise that you see being advertised for on billboards. On the 'underside' as reporters often call it, we are the go to company if you are interested in ammunition, occasional assassinations and a little spice.

I don't bother getting my hands dirty with drugs, human trafficking and prostitutes. Although the generations that came before had a difference of opinion. When I inherited this company and claimed it as my own I shut down those operations. Even though it secured us additional money I did not need the additional stress and it was too tiring to maintain. I also don't approve of selling human beings or of human beings selling themselves. You must be wondering what type of person I am if I am okay with selling weapons and 'occasionally' ending lives but not selling them? Well, clearly not a desperate one.


My thoughts were interrupted by a  voice I know all to well. It sounded like it came from the corridor. I dragged in a deep breath and let it out with a tired sigh.

"In here."

The door to my office flew open and a figure appeared in the doorframe. It stood there with its arms outstretched allowing the light seeping through the uncovered areas of the door to blind me. For a second I thought maybe Jesus and come to claim me.

"What do you want Rafael?"

"To see my favourite person of course. I missed your company." He responded.

"You have 10 seconds to tell me the truth, Jesus, before my pen finds a new home in your heart. And this time you won't resurrect."

"Ok ok easy with the words. I actually came for your credit card. Mines declined and the delivery guy is waiting outside with the pizza." Rafael blurted out.

I sighed once more before responding. I reached for my wallet which rested in my left trousers pocket. "Here" , I extended my credit card which he gladly accepted.

"Thanks I owe you one."

"Mhmm, just make fast and shut the door on your way out."

"Yes boss" He said saluting and then proceeding to close the door and march away.

I sighed once again then continued with my paper work. 10 minutes later my office door opened and Rafael stood there. He held 2 boxes of pizza in one hand and a 6 pack of beers. He entered my office and placed both of them on top of my desk. Almost messing my neat stack of papers. I quickly moved the documents to a safer location. The draw in my desk. Knowing him he could mess them no matter what surface I placed them on. Better safe than sorry.

"Beer? Really? Your drinking it all yourself. I'm going to get some scotch."

"Scotch? Really? With pizza? Come on man. Just try some I'm sure you will like it." He replied.

"Nope I'm good. Please tell me you ordered pizza without pineapple."

"I honestly don't know what's the big deal with pineapple on pizza. It tastes good. But I ordered a separate pizza for you." He said.

"Omg Rafael it's a fruit! YOU. DON'T. PUT. FRUIT. ON. PINEAPPLE."

"Tomatoes are a fruit. And they put it on pizza." Rafael replied.

"No one eats it though. They just take it out and  throw it away."

"You know what I'm tired of having this argument. You do you. Oh and thanks for dinner." He said.

"Mhmm. I WILL enjoy the dinner I bought with MY money."

"Mhmh hmm mhmh mmmh hmm." He said with a mouth full of food.

"Don't speak with your mouth full. Did no one ever tell you that."

"Mhmmm. Sorry. I said 'so how was your day?' " He answered.

"Busy and tiring as usual."

"So how was your day Rafael? Oh it was good thanks for ASKING! It's just that my grumpy boss made me drive 1 and a half hours searching for a bakery!" He responded.

"Mhmm. But you found the bakery didn't you."

"After searching for an hour for 1." Rafael replied.

"That's life. Sometimes you don't even find what your looking for so you just end up wasting your time."

"Speaking of that bakery, the girl that worked there looked quite pretty. Maybe I should have got her number for you. You never know, maybe it would have worked out." He said shrugging.

"The girl in the bakery. Oh the one managing the register. She's quite average looking. And I told you before I'm done dating. So when your done playing matchmaker you need to clean up and take me home."

"Ughh, why do I always get stuck babysitting you?" He complained while picking up the empty pizza boxes and gathering the empty beer cans."

"What do you mean BABYSITTING? I PAY you!"

"Great he pays me to babysit him even though he's a grown ass man. Talk about an attention seeker. Hey oww!" He slightly shrieked as my pen made contact with the side of his head.

"Keep talking and I'll start subtracting from your salary."

"Hey that's not fair. I need a raise for putting up with your bullshit." He responded while simultaneously dodging the next pen I threw at him. Sadly he could not dodge the chair that I threw next.

Authors note:
So the argument Luke and Rafael had actually happened between me and my bff. The one about pizza. And sorry for posting in a long while. I needed a break. I had it saved on my phone a long time ago I was just lazy to type the whole thing out. Anyway hope you all enjoyed.

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