Chapter 2

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"Liam, I'm going to murder you"

"You're incapable of such thing."

I shove Liam on my way out the classroom, hearing him on the heel of my shoes as I make my way down the hallway.

"You just had to stick your hand down your pants when she looked!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Doesn't matter. You did and I had to sit in silence for an hour with nothing to look but a t-shirt and Louis stupid mullet hair."

"Aha! I told you he has a mullet!"

Swinging my body to the side, I glare at my friend who's grinning so dumb, I just want to slap him and possibly not apologize.

"It's not a mullet, he's just let it grow okay!"

"Wohkay man. You said it first."

"Whatever. You're sitting up front next class. Since its your fault."

Liam follows behind as we walk into the park area, having 30 minutes to ourselves before the next instructional course begins.

I ignore him as I throw my backpack to the floor and sit on the damp grass, using the tree bark as a rest station before pulling on the second zipper.

"C'mon you can't be that mad."

Nothing comes out my mouth but a drewl as I take out my lunch. It's a jar of peanut butter and one of mums bananas(which where meant for the banana cream pie we're having tonight but why destroy such an amazing fruit into tiny pieces when you can do so much mor-

"Harry. Are you even listening to me?"

I glance at Liam and feel alarmed as he waves his hand too close to my face.

"Personal space, you hound."

"Stop waving that banana around Harry unless it's a subtle way of invitation."

Gagging, I try to hit Liam with my sealed banana, now earning a giggle from the goof.

"Ugh, don't be disgusting Liam. It's a damn healthy and nutritional fruit."

"And provocative."

Shaking my head, I stick out my pinky, because he doesn't deserve my middle one. No one really has.

"Leave my friend alone. It has done nothing to earn such a bad reputation."

Opening the jar, I hear Liam inhale, making me whip my head and throw him the lid. He laughs and I hope he's doing that on purpose.

"M just gonna ignore you and eat my lovely banana here without your perversive mind and soul. You're gonna die at the age of 30 and I will be at your grave decorating it with banana will say- Here lies the man proven wrong. But he was very....a-peel-ing."

Liam raises one eye brow and I wink.

Pretty sure he doesn't get the joke.

"You're awful."

He doesn't understand.

I shrug and begin unpeeling it, feeling watched and glaring when I realize it's Liam.

"Excuse me, Liam."

"I'm telling you man, you're being provacative."

"Can't a guy just enjoy his brunch in peace."

"Guys do not enjoy eating bananas in their spare time Harry. "

"I do! What, are you gonna tell me they don't enjoy yoga either?!"

The Boy with the Dagger Tattoo (Larry Fic AU)Where stories live. Discover now