Chapter 3

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Sorry for the delay. Still trying to catch up on everything :)


"Were you just talking to Louis Tomlinson?"

Is the first thing that comes out of Gemma's mouth as I reach the bus stop.


Technically, I am telling the truth given the circumstances he said nothing to me.

She reaches out and takes the banana away, inspecting it hesitantly before staring into my eyes.


"Don't take things from him."

"I didn't, he gave it to me."

"Well don't eat it. Didn't mum teach you better than to accept stuff from strangers."

My sisters throws the banana under the bus and I looked at her baffled. What's up with the world today, wasting food like there isn't someone else in the world probably needing it.

"Gems, that was rude."

"Cmon, just get on the bus."

I climb inside, looking through the windows for any sign of Louis. How embrassing would it be if he saw my sister throwing it away.

We sit all the way at the back of the bus, the seats in front of us being taken by my team members who are no surprise, rowdy as hell.

"Styles, you're coming to practice later?"

"You act like Coach Grant gives us an option not to."

Dylan nods, turning to Jacob who turns around in his seat as well.

"So, we were planning. Before the Homecoming Game begins, we should pull a huge prank on him."

"You know how many jumping jacks we will get as punishment."

"He won't physically challenge us before homecoming game. He'd be an idiot to stress us out, and hes not an idiot. He won't be able to do shit about it. You in?"

"Yeah, I'll see."

I feel a pull on my shoulder and Gemma is raising her eyebrows suggestively, pointing at someone 3 seats in front of us.


"Have you found a date for the Homecoming Dance already?"

"I'm not sure if I'm going."

"Oh cmon. Don't be a buzz kill. You know, Emma always talks about you during cheerleading practice."

I roll my eyes and look out the window, mentally counting how many red cars I can spot before we arrive home.

"Hey, don't leave me talking by myself."

She pulls on my arm again and I sigh.

"I know already, I heard from Luke, who heard from his girlfriend Selena, that heard from Emma, that she wanted to ask me to the dance."

"Well then what are you waiting for."

"Well I was going to do it today during Lunch but I got distracted. I'll do it tomorrow."

My sister squealed next to me and I smiled, remembering Ashtons nickname for her when she wasn't around. Mouse.

"You two look so good together."

I pursed my lips together and looked out the window. I think I was at number 7.


I'm in Geography class and there's no other place I wouldn't rather be than in here. Mr.Pattinson has assigned us 10 minutes of silent reading and sitting a table next to the trio is the worst possible combination if you're asking for quiet.

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