Chapter 4

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I have no excuse really but to say I've neglected this story and I am sorry I let all you down. This is the last story I will be writing and will do my best for weekly updates. Appreciate your patience, thank you x.



"Yeah, umh. What."

Abruptly, I come to a stop like a deer in headlights.

"What are you doing in here, boyo. If there's a reason you don't wanna run, you can tell me."

Coach has a disappointed frown on his face and I'm taken back with the reaction. I shake my head, trying to find a lie without outing the team and their idiotic quarrels.

"No coach, I was just having a wee. Everyone was taking a break anyways so."

"Next time, make sure your teammates know I don't just allow everyone to stop when they feel like it. There's a reason why you all are in my varsity team, not the beginners."

I nod in agreement and watch Grant step out the fieldhouse, probably assuming I was still holding it in.

"Be back in the field in three, Styles. For every minute after, I'll add a lap to everyone's count."

Coach yells and I sigh, pacing rapidly towards the back, looking for the second culprit for dragging me into mess.

"Louis, you back here?"

Pushing the wooden door, I enter the showers, hearing small grunts coming from the corner of the room.


I call out a second time and walk until I reach the last isle which is where all the supplies are kept, the scene before me quite.... interesting.

I'm a little amused, and have no idea what side of the wall I would have rather be on, Louis attempts to climb out one of the windows which aired out steam, a complete failure.

"If I knew you were going to take what I said so literally, I wouldn't have called you small."

"Hey, shut it will ya."

Louis screams from the other side, I can hear through the thin walls, covering my mouth although he can't see my laughter. Most of his torso has made it through the small opening, but his hips apparently had other ideas.

"You alright there?"

"Does it look like I'm alright to you, pal?"

"Do you just call everyone pal or is that-"

"Don't know what you expect me to call you, curly."

"I do have a nam-"

"Look, are we gonna just hang here all day or are you going to help me out?"

"Why should I? You licked my hand."

Louis wiggles more and I can't stop myself from the urge to torment him for a bit. He's been quite rude to me, and I don't think I've ever had bad intentions.

So that's what I do.

I poke the lad in the small gap behind his knee and immediately regret it, forgetting humans have reflexes and feeling a blow to the face, Louis leg shooting up.

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