Chapter 1

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I watch as my fellow class mates walk in the hallways as if they're the living dead. Half of them seem asleep and the other half, threw on whatever they snatched first out of the closet.

Everyone is drained, too tired with the shitload of testing we had to survive in order to get to this point. We're graduating in a year, and really, there's nothing much to do to stop it.

So here we are, in a English Course that we really dont need to leave this shit hole of a school, but don't really have an option to leave.

I sit at the back class with my mate, Liam, while he sits up straight and listens to the teacher go on about the Elizabethan Era. It's probably the reason why he's Mrs.Savoies favourite. He's the only one who's gotten a smile in the past 45 minutes in the class, and that seems like a great achievement for the second day of school.

"Mr. Styles will you stop doodling on your notebook and pay attention."

She snaps and I raise my eye brows, not seeing what her big deal is when half of the front row is fast asleep or dead.

Probably dead.

"M not doodling. I'm taking notes."

She walks across the room and I mentally groan, hearing the click of her heels as she approaches our desks.

She hovers over our notebooks and I smirk up at her in triumph, a good set of five paragraph notes on my sheet.

"Well....very well then." She hums and I'm tempted to climb on this desk and do a salsa dance, screaming how wrong she was with a speaker phone.

"Okay." I say instead, and chuckle when Liam lets out a deep breath, like he was the one being targeted.

"Why were you holding your breath? don't tell me you're scared of her." I whisper as she stands back at the front of the classroom.

"No. I just.....I don't mean to be mean. It's just.....her perfume Harry, it's horrid."

Liam frowns slightly and I try my best not to burst out in laughter, because god, Liam always focuses on peoples smells.

"Stop acting like a fucken Hound dog Liam."

"I told you not to call me that."

"Well stop going around and smelling people. It's weird."

I fix my glasses sliding down on the crook of my neck and slightly smile as Liam does his puppy dog, offended face, which is his bottom lip sticking out and refers again to Liam somehow containing the soul of a dog.

It's fuken weird.

But he's harmless.

"You do know there's passes required to get into class when the bell has rung, young men. Go and get them."

"Nah miss, principal addie say the printer ain't worken and if the printer aint worken, she ain't gonna have any in the office. you feel what im sayin?"

"I don't care, I need all of you to get a pass."

"Miss, listen to wot im sayin."

"Mr.Malik, you listen to what I'm saying."

I watch annoyingly as the teacher begins to argue with one of the kids from my grade level, Zayn trying to pull the no printer excuse on this teacher too.

Its stupid really, but he's always gotten away with it.

I stare as he takes the lead by trying to get them into class without having to go to the principals office, the other two boys silent behind him.

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