Time Alone

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Cover Photo: Alejandro Gonzalez, https://unsplash.com/@alejo10gonzalez

Gyomei and I have been skirting around each other for the past two months, keeping our conversations short and to the point

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Gyomei and I have been skirting around each other for the past two months, keeping our conversations short and to the point. Not because I don't want to be around him, but the odd tension between us makes it tough, I find myself flustered in his presence and often leaving me to hurry to another task whether it is made up or not, to simply have some reprieve from the restricting air around his being.

I also thought I was hiding the way I felt the best way I can but alas, there will always be someone so observant, the woman who runs the butterfly mansion herself has taken notice of my behavior around the towering man. How long she's known is above me whether it was intuition or I'm a bad liar, she'll never tell.

Worst of all had to have been today.

Again, I'm out of remedial tasks for me to do, leaving me to assist in healing others and waiting for more, if any, to arrive. And of course, the barely bruised burley man himself walks in with his Tsugoku Genya, who I can't really say the same about. But he is always like that, rough and tumbling no matter the strength or skill of the demon or person he is up against.

The air grows stiff as I quickly turn around and organize papers on the table in front of me, it feels like all eyes in the room have laid their claim on me, but luckily, I've yet to be called out. But Shinobu makes sure I hear the conversation loud and clear from where I'm standing.

"Genya, you look absolutely horrible, I take it the training is going well?" At her question you can hear Genya huff before he takes a seat on an open bed.

"He's doing good and is making good progress, but needs some assistance with his wounds of course," Gyomei's melodic voices makes my heartbeat faster and I can already feel a blush growing on my cheeks.

"L/N, be a dear and assist Gyomei while I tend to Genya, the supplies I'll need for him are in the main building and it would be unnecessary to drag everyone with me and you've done ALL of your tasks today yeah? Take your time, no need to always rush." Her gaze is burning in me as she walks over, her presence causes me to turn around and all I see before I could even think of a response is those conniving eyes and smirk she always wears when she has something up her sleeve.

"O-of course!" She giggles at my stuttering and now I can see Genya with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. It all feels planned out and like I've been plotted against. Before my brain could even mutter a response back or some excuse outside of what Shinobu knows she's already sliding the door closed leaving Gyomei and I in silence.

"I'm glad to hear training is going well Gyomei," I say making small steps to the man sitting on a bed and waiting to be tended to.

"Yes, Genya is showing a lot of promise, although he could be more cautious, but that's just another thing for us to work on, but what about you? How have things been fairing, you always seem to be bustling about whenever I find time to visit?" his question doesn't make me feel any better, in fact it makes me even more nervous especially being so close to each other, practically feeling the heat of his body radiating from him.

"Heh- well I'm always learning something new and whatnot so it's kept me on my toes, Gyomei there doesn't seem to be anything wrong from what I can see?" This is when I finally pull away from him, standing before him within arm's reach.

"L/N, may I ask you something?" His question is paired with a stern face that could be seen as him being upset, his eyebrows are ruffled in and his eyes cinch as well. A very stern if not angry expression. I can feel the goosebumps litter all over my arms.

Maybe my thoughts have misled me? Maybe there's been something important that I've missed because I've been avoiding this exact situation? No, if it was something important, he would've had someone else call to me, right?

I don't know how long I've been thinking before I'm ripped from my thoughts from the man in front of me, he's grabbed my wrist now that I look down to the sensation, I felt that pulled me from my head.

"U-uh of course, anything..." I tell him and the blush is now an inferno on my cheeks. My wrist is like a twig in his hands, the tip of his thumb meeting the second knuckle on his pointer finger. Gyomei is seven feet and two inches tall, I don't know why I had this absurd assumption that his hands would be the same size as Giyuu or any other man of standard height.

"Would you join me for dinner tonight in town?" His words are rushed and if his voice wasn't deep and called attention to itself it would've been missed. Looking at his face showed his cheeks now a dusty pink and his head tilted off to the side as though he's nervous.

"Like a date?" my mouth is dry, and I almost choked on my words. And all he can do is nod, the tension between us is scorching and the heat of his hand on my wrist jumps several degrees.

"I would love to," is all I can say before pulling him into an embrace. Where the confidence came from to do that is unknown, but the contact seems to relieve some of the tension around us, breaking a few of its strings and allowing myself some room to breathe. His body tenses under mine but he wraps his arms around me, nonetheless, joining me in the embrace. 

For You, I Would Lose it All (Gyomei Himejima x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now