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Cover Photo: Jay,


A/N: Todays entry is brought to you early due to me wanting to promote my twitter


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The day continued as usual except for the knowing glances from Shinobu and Genya once they returned ten minutes after Gyomei had left

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The day continued as usual except for the knowing glances from Shinobu and Genya once they returned ten minutes after Gyomei had left.

"I can tell by the look on your face that he had asked you?" Shinobu asked, grinning at me while Genya snickered.

"His face would be as red as a tomato anytime I brought you up and he never knew what to say, and that's a lot coming from Gyo," Genya chimed in.

"So, my assumptions were correct, you both worked together to put us in such an odd position," I smiled towards the floor I was sweeping, ending my last task for the day before I went to go get ready.

Luckily, I had some assistance preparing for my night out with Gyomei, Mitsuri had come to my chambers to help me prepare, bringing over a kimono of hers after seeing and deciding none of my own were good enough. Her excitement was abundant enough for the both of us, the energy behind it helped calm me of my anxieties as the minutes passed by closer and closer.

By the time I was ready to go meet Gyomei I stood in front of the mirror in my room as it stood against the wall. I looked beautiful, a lavender kimono with sakura blossoms sprouting from the bottom to the mid-section meeting the obi. Mitsuri had put my hair up and left pieces to hang from the right side of my face, sometimes tickling my skin.

"He may not be able to see how you look, but if you feel beautiful, he'll feel it as well." Mitsuri smiled as she delicately placed a pin in my hair, at the end it was embellished with a jade stone, carved in the shape of a sakura blossom, hanging from it was a deep green tassel to match. Everything came together perfectly.

"Well, I certainly feel more beautiful than I ever have, I don't even know how I will be able to repay you for all of this Mitsuri, thank you" I bowed to her as she waved her hands.

"No worries, L/N! Good luck tonight!" she said as she left, I have a few minutes left and continue to look at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath before exiting my room and making my way to the gates.

The air outside was nice, there was a calm breeze carrying a cool temperature with it. With one more turn I will be a few feet away from the front gates. I stop again, taking another deep breath before continuing. And what I see is fascinating. There stood Gyomei, facing outwards to the path, unaware of my presence as of right now. His Yukata is dark blue, with waves sewn on the bottom in white thread. It's the most breathtaking yukata I have ever seen.

"G-gyomei..." I almost whisper out as I walk closer to him, my face is already burning and although the sun is setting, I can see the rose tint on his cheeks as well.

"L/N, you look beautiful this evening, as always," he says, not fully confident in himself as he says it, the rose tint deepening in color.

"And you look breathtaking Gyo, shall we go?" I smile up at him, the air is awkward and tense as I see him nod and we start walking to the town.

The walk wasn't awkward, our arms brushed each other's here and there, reminding me of the fact that this was indeed a date, it made the air tense, it made me want to grab his hand as we walked but I didn't too afraid to see how he would react.

But over dinner it was great, after sitting down for a few minutes' things seemed to dissipate while we were surrounded by others. Most took a glance our way while we were going to sit down, which is understandable, Gyomei was not a man of average height, he had to bend a little once we walked in to avoid hitting his head on the doorway.

"Thank you for joining me tonight L/N, I have been wanting to do something like this with you for a while, but may I be honest with you?" Gyomei asked. At this point we have finished eating, the sun has fully set and there was only a light buzz around us as we walked with each other around the town.

"Always Gyo, honesty is the best policy," he lightly chuckles at my statement. He coughs, clearing his throat before stopping and pulling me to the side street away from others walking about.

"I have been quite enamored with you for some time now actually, I've found myself pausing in my prayers to just think of your voice and our interactions, which had led me to finding myself looking to be in your presence, frequenting the Butterfly Mansion more and more," he pauses and stops. At his confession I can feel my heart racing faster, and knowing Gyo, he can probably tell now that I've become flustered.

"Gyo I-I feel the same... I've found myself often hiding myself away to avoid making a fool of myself accidentally around you... Ever since the time I was healing you and felt and saw something, my thoughts have become consumed with you," at this point I'm no longer afraid and I grab his hands in mine and look up at his face. His mouth is ajar and the rose tint on his cheeks has fully bloomed over his whole face. And he takes a hand back, before lightly placing it on the side of my face, tucking the hanging hair he felt behind my air, leaving his hand on my jaw and his thumb brushing against my cheekbone, he's careful with me, touching my face like I'm made of glass.

"Forgive me for this," before confusion can fully set in, he leans down and captures my lips in his, his kiss is needy and demanding but so feather light, I'm not glass to him, I'm porcelain, but I can tell as he uses his other hand and places it on my lower back to press me closer to him that he wants to devour me where I stand but he is holding himself back. I find myself on my tippy toes to make up some distance he must lean down for.

By the time we pull away from each other I remember where we are, for the time we were in an embrace the rest of the world felt like it has faded out, the voices of the others bustling around as returned to me. His forehead is on mine and although he his blind we look into each other's eyes, we're panting and the heat between us is encompassing and consuming. He still has his arms around me where we stand. I let out a small laugh.

"That is nothing that needs forgiveness Gyo," I pull away but not before kissing the tip of his nose. Keeping a hand of his in mine.

"Still, I feel the need to apologize, for doing something very much not like myself, but I find it too easy to lose myself in your presence. And this may be backwards but if I may, I'd like to ask if you'd like to be mine, L/N..." His other hand scratches the back of his neck.

"Gyo, I would love nothing more than to be yours," is all I say before closing the gap in between us and grabbing onto the upper collar of his yukata and pulling his face down to mine before capturing his lips once again with mine, surprised at first but he melts back into me, hands once again wrapped around me, gripping onto my waist.

It feels protective, like there is not another second that he wants to go by unattached from me, away from me, and I feel the same as my arms are wrapped around his neck, voices and bustling from the crowd around us once again fading out, leaving him and I to our own world.

For You, I Would Lose it All (Gyomei Himejima x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now