Tunnel Vision

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Cover Photo: Grant Whitty https://unsplash.com/@grantwhitty

It started off as a normal day, the Pillars and other slayers went out on their missions while everyone else attended to their own matters, running their own errands, training, and the like

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It started off as a normal day, the Pillars and other slayers went out on their missions while everyone else attended to their own matters, running their own errands, training, and the like. No one expected this. Well, I wouldn't say they didn't expect it, but they hoped it wouldn't happen. Rengoku was only gone for a week at most, giving Ubuyashiki and the others updates on the matter as much as he could. And no one expected any differently upon seeing his crow, assuming it was just another update. And it was another update, the last update anyone would be receiving from the Flame Pillar.

Given the silence from Kyojuro during his time on the latest mission he was assigned we were all expecting his crow to return with good news, but the only news that came this day was heartbreaking. Everyone else experienced just as much grief, but this was my first experience losing someone so bountiful in his personality it showed through in everything he did. From his voice to his actions and his voice, his optimism was so bright it could rival the sun itself. Kyojuro was a friend, the closest friend I had outside Shinobu. He was welcoming and warm with my presence, he assisted me the most in adjusting to working in the Demon Slayer Corps. He retrieved me the mornings he knew I was free and Gyomei was either training or out on missions. He made this place home, Kyo felt like home, and anywhere could feel like home if he was there.

I couldn't have even fathomed the news I would receive upon his crow landing by me as I sat on the deck overlooking the scenery of the garden by my room. In fact, I smiled and welcomed the cute bird as it bounced closer from where he landed. I knew as soon as he opened his beak to speak to me through his downtrodden expression that it wasn't what I was looking to hear. I don't remember hearing my teacup falling to the ground and shattering and I don't remember the moment the world went black through the tears that built in my eyes, I didn't even feel the first tear fall before everything flashed and I was gone. Mentally and emotionally.

The next thing I know, I'm feeling slim fingers run softly in my hair, the sky from where I can see on my futon is the same as before I blacked out. Looking up I can see Mitsuri above me, her eyebrows stitched together in concern.

"Thank goodness you're finally awake," her eyebrows let up and now a smile replaced her concerned expression.

"Mitsuri, what happened?" I can only assume that I was found and brought to recover in my room.

"Gyomei found you curled up just outside your room, and a shattered glass teacup on the ground in front of you, your body was apparently so hot it nearly hurt to bring you to Shinobu, you've been asleep for a few days, everyone has been in and out and sickeningly worried about you," this time it was my turn to be concerned. Everyone should be worried and filled with grief over Kyojuro.

"Why me, should everyone not be concerned over Kyojuro?" Mitsuri paused mouth agape before closing again and looking up to where the sound of a shoji door slid open. I decided to follow Mitsuris's gaze, my heart dropping and goosebumps littering my skin.

"Y/N Glad to see you finally awake!" There stood the soul of a man supposedly lost. My blood felt like it was replaced with ice before tears started to swell in my eyes again, standing up from my futon I walked slowly toward the fiery man. Disbelief wracking my entire being.

"K-kyo- you're alive...? Oh, thank the gods," was all I could get myself to mutter before falling to my knees and placing my hands to my face, nearly curling into myself, and expelling any energy my body could have built up in my time asleep.

"Of course, I am, why would I not be! I figured I would stop by to check on you before embarking on my latest mission," I felt him place his hand on the back of my head as he squatted down to be closer to me.

"M-mission? What mission?" I could only see him through blurry eyes, but I had to know, I needed to know. Something is going on and it's not normal, it isn't right.

"I'll be checking out a train that has caused a string of disappearances that may be the cause of a demon, why do you ask?" If my heart could drop anymore, it would, at this point I could be led to believe that it decided to wholly move out from my body. I gripped onto Kyojuros haori.

"Listen to me Kyo-please, do not go, you can't do this alone, you need another pillar with you, please. I can't and do not know how to explain it or what has happened, but I do know only tragedy will strike if you don't come prepared, there are things that will happen that will be too much for you -please please please," at this point I was hysterical again. Crying out any semblance of water I had in my body begging Kyojuro not to do this alone.

Unbeknownst to me Kyojuro and Mitsuri exchanged glances saying everything with their eyes they nodded to each other before Mitsuri quietly walked out of the room. She knew upon hearing that statement it was too important to not discuss the situation with Ubuyashiki. The Corps has never had to figure out something like this since they've never gone through it before. The right course of action couldn't be assumed by anyone, and a warning as big as this one couldn't be overlooked, especially not with the stakes of pillars life being on the line.

"So, she has said that only tragedy will strike, and he will need the assistance of another pillar?" Mitsuri could only nod to Ubuyashikis's question regarding the matter.

There was tension in the air, he of all people should know how to handle such a case and only so many people are free to assist.

"I will have everything sorted, Kyojuros leave will be postponed until later tonight, go and inform Kyojuro and Y/N, ease her anxieties and let her know I would like to see her, thank you Mitsuri."

Mitsuri thanked Ubuyashiki back and began her trek back to your quarters with better news about the upcoming mission.

Now there was so much more to think about for Ubuyashiki. Not only was your presence here still questionable but to get these sorts of visions of the future and why they occur was another mystery to the slowly healing man. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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