Touch Me [18+]

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Cover Photo: Agathe Marty,

Authors Note: This is sexually explicit content/mentions , minors DNI. 

The following writing may contain scenes of violence, nudity, strong language, and adult themes. It is intended for mature audiences only.

Readers discretion is advised.

After feelings were admitted between Gyo and I, we practically became inseparable

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After feelings were admitted between Gyo and I, we practically became inseparable. Our first kiss together was the most intense things have gotten between him and I since. Not because we were avoiding it, but because we rarely got the privacy needed for things to escalate as far as they have. But that was fine, Gyo and I enjoyed just being around each other, me sitting in his lap reading while he silently meditated or he would sit near me while I looked over and took care of the garden on the estate, just telling me stories about his childhood or interesting mythos he grew up.

We were always doing something other than having that quiet intimate time with each other. If it wasn't everything else, it was him being on missions and away from a few days to weeks at a time. Everyone was happy for us, relieved this odd tension between us no longer existed. No one wanted to be the person to push us together in case things were misconstrued. Leave it to Shinobu though, that woman had no reservations with making others uncomfortable within reason.

Today was different though, today it seemed as though Gyo and I were completely free for a time, Shinobu without question decided that because I've been here for a year now that I deserve some time to relax, it's just a couple days but it certainly is not an unwelcome relaxation time. So, I did what I always did in my time off, I packed lightly and planned my trip to Gyo's estate. This time bringing extra belongings with me with the intention to spend more than just a few hours with him. From what I knew Gyo would be coming back from his mission today, after not seeing him for a week his presence is more than welcome, and nothing would be better than surprising him at his estate with good news and homemade daifuku and freshly made green tea.

-Time Skip to waiting at the estate-

In the distance I can see Gyo and Genya walking up to the estate. Standing up I wave.

"Welcome back!" I can feel the smile on my face start to strain my muscles from how excited I've been to see him. Looking at the two men I can see they're a bit worse for wear but overall alive and healthy and that's all that matters, the only issue is the seemingly dejected look upon Gyo's face, Genya on the other hand is grinning wickedly almost dubiously.

"Afternoon L/N, I'll see you two around," Genya said, still smug as he continued to walking waving his arm without looking back.

"L/N, this is a nice surprise, what brings you here should you not be working with Shinobu right now?" Gyo said, almost unhappy with my presence here.

"I actually have a couple days off, I figured I would meet you here, I brought tea and snacks!" I smiled towards him again trying to remain unaffected by his monotone voice and reaction.

"That's wonderful, I've also received some down time, I apologize for my behavior, it was just a tiring mission and I've been looking forward to cleaning up and resting," Gyo placed his hand on my head lightly, leaving his hand to rest on the side of my face.

"Of course, I can only imagine, then allow me to help take care of you," I rested my hand upon his, rubbing my cheek into his palm before pulling his hand into mine and walking up and into the estate. "Please, bathe and relax, I'll make something for dinner, and you can tell me all about the mission." Gyo just nodded in response and allowed me to drag him with me to the estate. As we started to part ways Gyo stopped walking and turned around but kept his head turned from me.

"Would you like to join me?" Was all Gyo asked before a furious blush spread across his face. It took a second, but the same furious blush found it's way to me as well. In all the time we have spent together we never spent time in any state of undress around each other. "I-I just figured I'd ask so you can relax as well and if anything, I'd love to have you at arm's length, it's how I relax the most recently, b-but of course I was just curious..." Now a hand was resting upon the back of his neck, I must've spent too much time in a state of shock.

"O-of course, I-I'd love to join you, allow me to place my things in the kitchen," I sputtered out, now my body temperature spiked at least double than it should've been. Gyo just nodded and gave me a 'mhm' before he proceeded to walk towards the bath.

I could feel my heart in my throat and a small shiver take over my body as I crept closer and closer to the bath. Luckily upon walking in I could see Gyo's back facing me as he sat in the steaming water.

"Angel, thank you for joining me," was all he said as now it was my turn to respond in wordless answers. I proceeded to undress and fold my kimono and putting it on top of Gyo's on an available stool. I washed up proceeded to slowly and quietly walk over, not to surprise him, but my body was tense as I covered my breast, I know he can't physically see me but it must be some automatic response as I slowly step into the hot water to join him, sitting a distance from him before removing my arm from my chest.

Now that we were here, completely undressed the tension couldn't even be cut, no matter how strong the sword or sharp the katana.

"Would it be okay for me to sit closer...?" I asked to break the silence, I wanted to touch him, the scars that littered his body were calling out to me, this might be the only chance I have to be so close and feel him for real on my fingertips.

"Of course, that would be lovely," he responded before I slowly swam over to him, doing my best to avoid looking below the surface of the clear water. I reached an arm out and grazed my fingertips on his chest before wrapping an arm around his neck, slowly pulling each of us closer and laying my lips upon his. This was going further than I initially planned on, but the added tension and circumstance were too irresistible for me to miss this opportunity.

Gyo melted into my embrace; I could feel his muscles tense before he used his free arm to pull me closer to pull me onto his lap. Over the course of our kisses, I could feel the rest of his body and his muscles unknot from each other. Over time I went from sitting on his thigh to straddling him, the spread of my thigh to acquaint for his large build caused a light strain but at this point, it was worth it. I could feel the time we spent just leisurely together crash around us in this moment. This hidden tension we both avoided since our first date.

His hands roamed my body, from my lower back to my hips, large hands squeezing my thigh, I could feel my nipples brush against his chest, hardening from the hot water and cool air. I could sense how timid he still was with our proximity. Eyebrows knit that I noticed in between our kisses and sudden tense notion of his muscles and his hands pulling away anytime he comes close to my more intimate areas. It wasn't until his thumb brushed up against my nipple that caused me to shudder under his touch is when I had to pull away, resting my forehead against his, panting from the onslaught of kisses that my body decided to snap.

"Gyo...please, touch me..." the tension was too much now, I needed more of him, my words dripped in desperation for him. 

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