Chapter 1

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"Resa, plushie, now."
Theresa would sigh as she handed a very stressed Debbie a soft plushie of a Mexican Death Bear. Debbie would grab the plushie and squeeze the life out of it, taking in a very deep breath. The plushie helped relieve some of the stress levels.

"Debbie, you should really get some rest."
Theresa would say placing her hand on Debbie's shoulder. Debbie, however, did not react so kindly to her friend's words. The journalist snapped her head towards Theresa and repeated her words
"Rest!? REST!? Theresa, I don't need rest! I need a scoop!"
Debbie would get up from her bed and begin pacing around her room.
"Three days and nothing interesting has happened! Three days and there's not a single thing to report about! Has Norrisville really become the most boring place on the planet!?"
Debbie would growled as she ranted on.
"We've went to Rachel, Flute Girl, Stevens, those blonde twins, Julian, Dave, and even Doug! Doug Resa! DOUG!"
Debbie would facepalm and sighed out exasperated. She would sit back on her bed and ask out loud.
"We've asked almost everyone! Who else can we go to?"
Theresa would blush slightly and said
"Well... There's one person we haven't gone to..."
Debbie rolled her eyes and asked
"You mean Randy?"
Theresa would let out a tiny nod. Debbie would shake her head and say.
"I doubt that idiot has anything interesting to scoop about! Aside, the last time I allegedly scooped about him, I was completely wrong!"
Debbie would fall back in her bed and said
"Heidi is never going to let me hear the end of it! That's why I need this scoop! So she can leave me alone!"

Debbie would go silent for a moment...

"I don't even remember that I even did it."
Debbie would say. She would sit up from her bed and ask Theresa
"Did I really report about Randy?"
Theresa would nod her head and said
"Yeah, you said that he was the Ninja."
Debbie would facepalm and say
"Even if I did, which I wouldn't, I would be able to remember it."
Theresa would scratch the back of her head and say
"Everyone else remembers it clearly. It's kind of odd you don't."

Debbie would growl and sat up.
"Well... I have these hazy memories. Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja, I don't remember ever reporting about that but yet... It sounds so familiar..."
Debbie said with a sigh and continue
"I'd never report anything without reason... So even if I did say Randy was the Ninja, there must have been a reason..."

After a moment of silence to think, Debbie would come to a conclusion for her next course of action. Debbie gently place her plushie on her bed and say
"I suppose the scoop can wait."
Theresa would smile and said cheerfully
"It's about time!"
"Right now, I need answers. Why would I say that Randy was the Ninja?"
Theresa would immediately facepalm and sigh. She crossed her arms and frowned as the journalist went for her camera.
"Come on Resa, we're going to follow Randy around for a little bit."

Theresa would stand in front of the doorway but not move. Debbie would be puzzled by her friend's act and ask
"Uh, Theresa, we kinda need to be somewhere."
Theresa said. She would continue to add on.
"What you need Debbie is rest. You've been at this for three days nonstop. It's not good for you."
Debbie would growl in exasperation and snapped.
"I'll be fine Theresa! Now come on, we need to go!"
Theresa would remain firm however and say.
"No Debbie, you need rest. Look, you're saying how you have hazy memories right?"
Debbie would be puzzled by the question, but nod her head. Theresa would say
"Maybe with some rest those memories will be more clear."

Debbie sighed and said
"Fair point... Fine, I'll get some rest."
Debbie would go lay down in her bed and cuddle with her plushie. Theresa would begin to hum Debbie a lullaby. Although it felt childish, Debbie would feel more relaxed. The exhaustion would slowly creep up. Debbie would slowly drift off to sleep.

Debbie RemembersWhere stories live. Discover now