Chapter 5 (Fowlham Chapter)

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Theresa would shyly approach Randy and Howard as the two dove into their gravy fries. Howard was a messy eater, getting gravy all over his fingers, mouth, and even his shirt. But Randy on the other hand, was a bit more cautious about eating his gravy fries. Randy still had gravy fries on his fingers and mouth, but at least he wasn't wearing it on his shirt like Howard. The two boys would continue wolfing away, that is until they noticed  Theresa. Immediately, Randy would proceed to grab a napkin and quickly wipe off as much gravy residue on himself as possible. Howard, on the other hand, just glanced at Theresa, then at Randy, rolled his eyes, and went back to eating.

Randy would promptly stand up and nervously say while scratching the back of his head.
"Theresa! Hey! Hi! Ummm... What, what brings you over to our table?"
Theresa would blush and look down at the ground, taking a deep breath.
'Remember what Debbie told you. Just act natural. Just act natural.'
Theresa would think to herself. Theresa would look back up at Randy and say with a small smile.
"Hey Randy, I was wondering... If I can talk to you in private."
Howard would just scoff out loud and shake his head. Randy would look down at his best friend and ask.
"Howard, is something wrong?"
"No, no... You two go ahead. I'll be here with my gravy fries."
"Okay thanks bud!"
Randy would place his hands in his pockets and laugh nervously, saying.
"Okay Theresa uh... Where do you want to talk?"
Theresa would try to keep her heartbeat steady as she led Randy somewhere private.

Randy was trying his best to keep himself together as he followed Theresa to somewhere more secluded. When Theresa finally got Randy to her secluded spot and turned around, she couldn't help but take a moment to admire how cute Randy was. From his beautiful blue eyes to his handsome haircut. She even found the little gravy smudge on his lips cute.

Theresa would have spent hours admiring Randy were it not for Cunningham breaking the silence and asking awkwardly.
"So uhhh... Theresa... What is it that you needed to talk to me about?"
Theresa would snap out of her daze and shake her head quickly.
"Oh ummm..."
She began.

'Come on, focus Theresa! Remember why you brought him over for!'
Theresa would mentally scold herself. Now why was she here for? Scoop, Debbie, Randy, conversation...
'I was here to talk about his conversation with Howard.'
Theresa reminded herself.
'Just act natural.'
Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her beating heart, Theresa would clear her throat and begin.
"Yeah, just out of curiosity... How was your weekend?"

Randy would tilt his head at Theresa's question. It was certainly an odd question from out of the blue. But, it wasn't anything to be suspicious about and would be no harm in answering. Randy would say.
"Oh, it was pretty boring actually. Nothing really interesting happened. Well, Howard and I both managed to get World's Greatest Puncher in Grave Puncher IV so that's something."
Theresa would give Randy a smile and say
"Wow, that's pretty bruce."

Randy would have to use his willpower to prevent himself becoming a flustered mess. Cunningham would rub the back of his head and say
"Yeah, I say it's pretty bruce myself, haha! Anyway, nothing really happened which I find surprising because I was expecting-"

Randy would catch himself. He was about to tell Theresa something highly confidential and the last thing he wanted was another Debbie incident. Theresa would tilt her head and ask
"You were expecting?..."
"Oh, um, I-I-I was expecting my weekend to be a lot more eventful! That's all!"
Randy would quickly lie. He would pray that Fowler would take the lie and not press the topic any further. Theresa would tilt her head curiously at Randy, but eventually would say.
"I see. Okay!"

Randy would exhale out in relief that he had kept Theresa safe from the dangers of his secret life.

Cunningham would ask in an awkward manner
"So Theresa... Ummm... H-H-How was your weekend?"
Theresa would brush her hair to the side and try to think of something. She couldn't let Randy know about Debbie. After a moment of fumbling for words, Theresa would say
"Oh, my weekend was less eventful. Nothing really, just some twirling practice and that's it."

"Haha, seems like everyone has had a boring week!"
Randy would joke. Theresa would giggle at Randy's remark and say
"It appears so. No monster attacks or robot attacks. This weekend has really been uneventful."

The two teenagers would stand together in awkward silence, shuffling their feet around and not become flustered messes. After a seemingly endless time of awkward silence, Randy would clear his throat and say
"Well... Umm... If that's all... I should get back to Howard..."

Randy was about to take his leave, but before he could Theresa would reach out and grab his arm.
Theresa would begin. Randy would look at the hand holding onto his arm. As they both blushed, Theresa would finally work up the nerve to say.
"Randy... I was wondering... If you would like to spend some time together after school."
This only caused both teenagers to blush even harder as Randy asked
"As in a... A... A date?"

Theresa's heart nearly exploded. She had to think fast. In the next instance, she impulsive stuttered out.
"N-N-N-No! No! A-As in... L-Like... T-Two classmates spending time together!"
Theresa would mentally kick herself for not thinking this through. However, despite the awkward situation, Randy would reply back with.
"Two classmates hanging out with each other?... I-I suppose that's okay... A-After school right?"
"Y-Yes... After school."

Theresa would let go of Randy's arm and Randy would try to leave again. But Theresa would blurt out.
Randy would turn around, wondering what it was this time. Theresa would point at a spot on her lips and said.
"You have something right here."

Randy would finally take notice of the gravy smudge on his lips. He would quickly wipe it away and say
"T-Thanks Theresa."

Theresa would watch Randy walk away in a flustered mess. She too would try to walk back to Debbie, but her legs were weak, her face felt like it was ablaze, and her heart was pounding hard as she thought about what was to come after school...

After school...

Just two classmates hanging out...

Theresa admitted to herself that this didn't go as she planned. But that didn't matter now. All that mattered was how was she going to explain this to Debbie?...

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