Chapter 11

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From down the street emerged the cause for the explosion. 5 Wrecker bots were on a rampage, destroying everything in sight. Pedestrians screamed and began to flee the scene or find somewhere to hide, anything to escape the rampaging machines.

Randy would watch as one of the robots ran up to Principal Slimovitz's car. The principal was currently backed up to a building wall, shaking in terror. The Wrecker bot would jump up and stomp on Slimovitz's car and smash the vehicle into pieces. When it was done, the Wrecker would go and search for another target to destroy. As the bot left, Principal Slimovitz would go up to the wreckage, examining it in horror, of what was once his car.
The Principal cried out in grief. The principal wouldn't have too much time to grieve over the loss of his car though, as another Wrecker bot began to pursue him.

Randy watched as the 5 bots did a tantamount of destruction quickly. He knew he had to deal with these destructive forces quickly. But before he could run off, he felt someone grab onto his hand tightly. Beside him and shaking in fear, Theresa watched in terror at the events unfolding before her.

So much for holding Theresa's hand casually...

"W-Where did t-these bots come from!?"
Theresa cried out, quivering as she tried to get herself as close to Randy as possible. Cunningham wouldn't give a response though. He scowled and said out loud.
"I should have known they were going to be up to something."
Theresa glanced at Randy and asked.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
Randy realized what he had said and shook his head.
"Uh, it's nothing. Come on Theresa, follow me!"

Cunningham would tow Fowler behind him as he tried to make it to a hidden alleyway. But before the two could make it, a Wrecker bot would block their path. The bot would change its hand to a mace and held it up to bring. Theresa screamed in horror at the sight. Randy would yank her away from the bot moments before it brought the mace down, smashing the pavement where the two teenagers once stood.

The Wrecker bot would pursue after the two teenagers. Randy would navigate through the carnage on the streets, while all at the same time pulling Theresa behind him and trying to outrun the robot chasing them.

Not too far behind, Debbie tried her best to keep up with Randy and Theresa. Luckily, her small stature made it easy for her to hide and remain out of sight of the destructive robots. She wasn't sure who sent these robots or why they were here. All she knew is that these machines would make her job at exposing Randy easier. Her scoop was coming close to fruition. Now all she had to do was wait for Randy to pull out his mask.

Randy would lead Theresa into an alleyway. Pulling her a large garbage bin, the two hid behind it as the Wrecker bot showed up moments after they had hidden and scanned the narrow corridor. Randy and Theresa would hold their breath, neither of them dared to make a sound. After a fruitless search, the robot would just run off elsewhere. Randy would get up from the hiding spot.

"We lost it..."
Randy would say to Theresa. Fowler would try to catch her breath and ask with a shaky voice.
"Those things... They're like animals. Oh Randy, what are we going to do? Why hasn't the Ninja shown up to stop them yet?"

Randy wouldn't make a response to Theresa's question. All he did was glance down at one of his pants pockets. Randy would glance at the hand Theresa was holding and said.
"Theresa, I need you to let go of my hand."

Theresa was taken back by the sudden comment.
"I need you to let go of my hand. I need to do... Something... Real quick."
"But... But those things..."
"I know, I know. But trust me, I'll be fine. Just stay here, you'll be safe."

Cunningham would place his other hand over Fowler's hand and said with a small smile while gazing into her eyes.
"I promise you'll be safe. And I promise I'll come back. Trust me on this Theresa."

Reluctantly, Theresa would release her grip on Randy.
"Stay hidden."
Randy ordered Theresa.
However, before Theresa could hide and Randy could run off, a Wrecker bot would suddenly block the pathway and spot the two teenagers. Changing its left hand to an axe, it would let out a barbaric roar.

The moment after, time seemed to slow down for Theresa. As the robot roared, Theresa would scream as if she was in a horror movie. But Randy would pull out what appeared to be a mask from his pants pocket. Randy would quickly pull the mask over his head...

In the next instance, before her very eyes, Theresa would watch Randy transform into the Ninja of Norrisville.

"Ninja Air Fist!"
The Ninja would shout as he summoned an air fist and launched the robot back into the streets. Randy would pull out his sword from his suit and run out into the streets to deal with the threats causing havoc.

Theresa would only stand in place, her mouth open as she tried to process what just happened in her head.

"So Debbie was right..."
Theresa said to herself.
"Randy is the Ninja..."

Debbie RemembersWhere stories live. Discover now