Chapter 6

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"So? How did it go?"
Debbie would ask eagerly with her microphone recorder in hand. Theresa would blush as she placed both hands over her beating heart.
"Uhhh... It didn't go as planned... I'm sorry Debbie."
Theresa sheepishly said. Debbie would sigh frustrated and shake her head as she lowered her microphone recorder. Theresa would hang her head low and say
"I'm so sorry Debbie."
"No, no. Don't be. I sort of expected this to happen."
Debbie said, tapping a finger to her chin as the journalist tried to think of something else.

Theresa began, becoming a flustered mess
"I did manage to ask Randy to come spend time with me after school."
Debbie's face would light up as she quickly turned to her friend.
"And he accepted!"
Kang asked excitedly. Fowler would nod her head as her cheeks became bright pink from the thought of meeting up with Randy after school. Debbie would have a massive grin and say.
"Yes! Good, good, good! I can work with this!"

Before she got too excited, Debbie would take a deep breath to compose herself. She would clear her throat and say.
"Okay Resa, all you have to do is go out with Randy and continue acting natural. I'll be following you two close behind."
Theresa would take a deep breath to at least attempt to calm her beating heart at the thought of later afternoon. Debbie would just roll her eyes though. She knew it was useless to try to calm her friend down.

As Debbie picked up a gravy fry from her tray, she would glance at Randy from across the room. As she took a bite, a small grin formed on her face.

'I have you now... Ninja...'
Debbie thought to herself.
Randy would try to get through the rest of the day normally. But his legs felt like jelly, his face a blazing flames, and his heart ready to burst out of his chest any moment. He was trying his hardest to not think about what was to come after school, but his attempts were futile. Theresa had successfully taken over his mind as her angelic voice echoed on repeat in his ears.
"Spend some time together after school..."

Randy would sigh and blush at the thought of what was to come. Meanwhile, Howard was glaring and scoffing at Randy. How could Randy just straight up ditch him like this? How could Randy choose a GIRL over his best friend? Howard growled as he crossed his arms.
"I can't believe you just ditched me like that! I'm your best friend, and you just ditched me!"
Randy would sigh in annoyance to his friend's whining.

"Oh relax Howard! It's only going to be one day!"
Randy would explain as he rolled his eyes. Cunningham would look down at Weinerman and add on.
"Aside, didn't you say to enjoy another peace day with no Ninjaruptions?"
"I meant to enjoy the rest of the day with ME Cunningham."
Randy would groan as Howard continued to pout and whine.
"Look Howard, it'll only be just today. Tomorrow I'll be with you."
Howard would look skeptically at Randy and asked
"I promise."

Howard sighed and muttered
"Enjoy your little date Cunningham."
"Wha-It's not a date! We're just two classmates hanging out with each other!"
Howard scoffed and rolled his eyes
"I just hope Fowler doesn't get in the way between the both of us."
Randy would growl and clasp his head
"For the last time Howard, she won't! It'll only be just for this day! What's the worst that can possibly happen?"

Debbie RemembersWhere stories live. Discover now