Chapter 9

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Viceroy was working while McFist and Marci were away on vacation. In the middle of his work, Viceroy's little companion-Otto-would fly up to him and beep out a question.
"Ah, you want to know what I'm doing don't you?"
Viceroy asked his little robot companion. Otto would simply boop back a response.
"Well then, my plan is rather simple."

Viceroy would motion at a robot that was lying in front of him.
"This here is one of the few berserker bots I had managed to salvage before all the berserker bots were sent off to Scrap City. Aside from making them operable again, I have given them a large array of ninja destroying weaponry and increased their aggression levels. I call them Wreckers, and they will wreak havoc all across Norrisville!"
Viceroy giggle out evilly. Otto beep another message to Viceroy. Viceroy would sigh and say
"Yes, it is a rather cheap plan, but due to McFist's little vacation and the Sorcerer's impatiences, we have no time to construct a real plan. This is what we have to work with on such short notice."

A mechanical arm would pick up the Wrecker bot and lower it in an indestructible pit with 4 other Wrecker bots. Viceroy would push a button on a remote, the eyes of the Wrecker bots would glow green as all 5 of them activated. At the same time, a massive door would open leading to the outside world. As the Wrecker bots came on, Viceroy would order.
"Go my Wreckers! Destroy all of Norrisville!"
As the Wrecker bots charged out in a mad frenzy, Viceroy let out an evil laugh.

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