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"Y/n we're twenty minutes away and the last three sensors won't budge." Dinah says getting frustrated. "They change softwares with each one. And these last ones are extremely tough." Allana says just as frustrated. "Just forget. It's not like we're sneaking in. It'll just be a nice little surprise when we ran through her gates." I said. "Are you sure?" Dinah asked. "Yep! I'm sure." I said before making sure I had had extra magazines for my pistol. We continued to ride in silence until Dinah spoke up. "They know we're here now." She says and closes her laptop. She grabbed her shotgun and put a pistol to her side. "Brace yourselves!" Jordan yells as he starts driving faster.

Soon we were crashing through the gate. "Mother fucker!" Camila said as we all bounced up from impact. Soon shouts and yells were heard outside. I looked out the front window to see guns everywhere pointed at us. "Ooo my kind of party." I said excitedly. Someone on a speaker sounds everywhere. Sounds like he's inside. Probably watching us on a camera. "Sal de los autos ahora!" He yelled. (Everyone out the cars now!) Camila grabbed the mic connected to the speakers outside the car. "O que?" She asks. (Or what?) "Si no lo hace, lo expulsaremos por la fuerza o usaremos fuego!" The guy says. (If you dont then we will remove you by force or use fire power!) Camila chuckled into the mic. "Qué pasa si elegimos el fuego?" She says. (What if we choose fire?)"Mátalos." That voice was different. Had to be Luisa. (Kill them.)

I'm assuming the guy told them to shoot cause they began firing at every van. "Y'all heard that other voice right?" I asked as we waited for them to stop. "It has to be Luisa. If not then it's someone close to her to be able to call shots like that." Dinah says. Soon the shots ceased. And they were demanded to remove us from the vans. I pressed a button that made sure every doors were locked. They banged and pulled at the doors. But it didn't budge. They even tried shooting again but it only resulted in bullets deflecting back into others. When they got a good look at us some jumped back in freight. But others held their ground.

"Suficiente!" The woman screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and took a few steps back. "Quién es usted? Por qué estás aquí?" She asked in frustration. "Solo algunos amigos que tienen preguntas para las que tienes respuestas." Camila says. (Just a few friends who have questions you have answers for.) There was silence for a few minutes. I almost thought she left. "Quien dice que si?" The lady asked. (Who says I do?) "Habla con nosotros en persona y te explicamos todo." Camila tells her. (Talk to us in person and we'll explain everything." We heard a chair screech across the floor. "Tráemelas." She says. (Bring them to me.) "Looks like we just got our invitation in. Let's go." Camila tells us.

A/n~ I'm proud of myself for updating again.


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