2: Caught My Eye

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Please Excuse Mistakes

March 16, 1978
Karen's P.O.V.
6:15 PM
I'm getting ready for my first date ever tonight with neighbor boy, or should I say John. I've heard that he's had his eye on me quite a while now and I finally decided to give him a chance. He asked me out a couple months ago and I told him we can go out whenever my schedule gets cleared. I heard about him being a ladies man because he always has a new girl on his arm. I guess he just got that charm. ("I was a poet and didn't know it."- Dorinda Clark Cole 💀)

I got out the shower and moisturized my body up with lotion, did my makeup, curled my hair, then put on my clothes. I heard the doorbell ring so I assumed it was my date and I was right.

"Hey Karen." John said while holding a dozen roses.

"Hi John, come in I'm almost done getting ready. Are these flowers for me?" I asked him.

"Yes Karen." He said before flashing a smile at me.
"They're beautiful." I told him.

"But these flowers aren't as beautiful as you." John said while smiling . I never really noticed how nice looking he actually is until now and that's because I've never looked at him in that way. He's tall, has a dark complexion, pretty eyes, and a smile that could light up any room. I should've realized sooner that he is so fine.

"I'll go put these in a vase. I'll be right back. You can sit down if you like." I told him. After I put the flowers in a vase I ran up to my room. He's making me blush so much. I see why girls like him so much. He just has that affect.

I walked back down stairs to John standing up when I come into the living room. He's actually a gentleman. On our date we're going to the arcade and then out to dinner.

At The Arcade
Drew's P.O.V.
6:45 PM
Karen and I made it to the arcade. She look astonished when we walked in. It's like she's never been to an arcade before.

"Pac-man." Karen lowly read to herself.

"What's a Pac-man?" She asked me.

"You never heard of Pac-man?" I asked her.

"No." She replied to me. "Pac-man is a game where the ghost are the antagonist and they chase pac-man (the yellow ball thing) around the maze to keep him from eating all the dots. After a couple seconds of playing the ghost enters scatter mode. That means they will get into a different corner of the maze." I explained to her.

"Well that sounds interesting. I might as well play it." She began playing and for her first time and I must say she was half decent.

"Oh you're good and that's you're first try." I told Karen.

"Thanks I think my hand-eye coordination could've been better. But yet again it's only my first time playing she said before giggling a little bit.

We played a few more games for an hour until we decided to leave and go get dinner.

At The Restaurant
Karen's P.O.V.
8:00 PM
John and I have made it to the restaurant and we had a conversation with each other.

"John if you don't mind me asking what was your first impression of me?" I asked him.

"Karen you don't have to call me John. Only people I don't know or people I don't like call me by that name. Special people who are in my life call me Drew." He told me.

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