5: A Mother's Love

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Please Excuse Mistakes

August 12, 1978
11:28 PM
Mattie's P.O.V.
It was the cloak of night while I sat up anxiously waiting for my daughter as the midnight hours began to set. This is one of many nights that I've stayed up waiting for her as she's went out with Drew.

Karen's been spending time with Drew more and more for the past 2 months since they've officially started to date. Although I'm happy with the fact that she's happy, I just can't help but to be concerned for her. Being pulled out of my thoughts, I hear the sound of the front door open then shut. The sound of Karen's voice travels throughout the foyer as I await for her entrance in the living room.

"Mama I'm sorry I'm late. While I was out with Drew we lost track of time and-" She cut herself off as she saw the look on my face.

"Mama are you alright." She asked with worrisome in her voice.

"Karen sit down, I wanna talk to you." I said to her before she sat down on the love seat across from me.

"Karen I'm worried about how much time you spend with Drew and that he just might not be the best match for you." I said feeling guilty to even let those words come out of my mouth.

"Mama why do you say that?" Karen asked me with her brow arched and looking at me with a face of shock and confusion.

"Well I just want to make sure he's treating you right and he's not gonna hurt you." I said with concern being evident in my voice.

"Do you really think he's the right guy for you?" I added on.

"Mama, Drew is a great guy. He treats me with respect, and he cares about me. I know you're just looking out for me, but I gotta find my own. I just want you to put your trust in me to make my own decisions. I know what I want." Karen said as she looked at me with frustration and sadness in her eyes.

As a mother there's nothing more important to me then the happiness of ALL of my children. So who am I to sabotage my daughters happiness? I know I'm being over protective but I just can't help it.

"I'm sorry Karen. You're my youngest daughter and I just wanna protect you at all cost. I love you so much." I said to her before taking a deep breath.

"I know you do Mama and I love you too. But I'm happy with Drew, and I hope you can be happy for me too." She replied to me.

"Of course Karen. I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I'm sorry for being overbearing sometimes, but it's just hard to let go."  I said.

Karen pulled me into a hug. I was feeling grateful for this moment between us. I felt a wave relief come over me. I know that I can never truly get over the worries and concerns I have for all of my kids and especially Karen, but I know that she's strong enough to make her own decisions and all I can do is support her, no matter what.

Author's Notes:
How do y'all feel about this chapter?

How do y'all feel about Mattie voicing her concerns about Karen and Drew's relationship?

How do y'all feel about the heart-to-heart moment Karen and Mattie had in this chapter?

What do y'all think is gonna happen next?

Thank you all for reading. Until Next Time 🤍

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