6: The Sisters vs. Drew

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Please Excuse Mistakes

October 14, 1978
6:28 PM
Karen's P.O.V.
The continuous feeling of knots twisted in my stomach. Tonight, I was introducing my boyfriend to my sisters. But little did they know, they knew him very well.

I nervously held onto Drew's hand tightly. I couldn't believe that I was about to introduce my sisters to him although they've known him for years. They had no idea that we were dating, and just the thought of their reactions made my nerves act up.

"Are you alright Karen? You seem tense." Drew asked as he must've sensed my unease.

"Yes but I'm just a little nervous right now. My sisters can be quite over protective when it comes to me, especially Dorinda." I said to him.

"Don't worry baby. Everything will be alright. I promise you that they'll love, just like they always have." Drew said giving me a reassuring smile.

I hoped he was right. Drew has the most charisma I've ever seen in a person and always has a way of making me feel at ease. But for some reason, this time it just didn't work. I didn't want my sisters to see him as just a friend anymore.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and led the both of us inside. The sounds of familiar voices echoed from the living room. I could feel the tension as Drew and I approached my sisters.

Karen and Drew walked in, and there sat Denise, Jacky, Twinkie, and Dorinda as they waited with anticipation. Their eyes widened in shock as they realized that it was Drew who was Karen's man.

"Karen, you never told us that Drew was coming. We all thought that you was with some mystery man." Jacky said.

"Surprise! If you haven't noticed, Drew and I have been dating for a while, and I thought it was time for you all to meet him." Karen said although they already knew him.

"Well Drew, I see that you've managed to steal Karen's heart, but let's just get one thing straight between us. If you end up hurting my little sister in any way, then I won't hesitate to put my paws on you. Now do we have an understanding here sir?" Dorinda asked as her voice was mixed with a lace of threat and concern.

Dorinda who was much like her mother Mattie had always been the toughest nut to crack. She's always been over protective of Karen, especially when it came to matters of the heart. She stepped forward with her eyes fixated on Drew, and her voice carried off a verbal warning.

"Dorinda, I promise you, I care deeply for Karen. I would never do anything to purposely hurt her. Please trust me." Drew said as he was familiar with Dorinda's protective ways.

"Come on Doe. Give him a chance. Karen seems happy with Drew, and that's what matters." Denise said as she playfully nudged Dorinda elbow.

"Fine, I'll give the nigga a chance. But don't think I won't be keeping the tabs on you Drew." Dorinda said sternly.

"Well I'm glad you two finally admitted to being more than friends. It's about time Karen found someone who makes her happy." Twinkie said before breaking out with a knowing smile.

Twinkie was the only one who knew about Drew and Karen's relationship. She had been a confidante for the both of them, and they both knew that she'd keep their secrets safe. As she sat next to Denise, she felt of mix of excitement and relief as the truth was finally revealed.

As the sisters interacted with Drew more, Karen's anxiety gradually faded away and was replaced by the intense feeling of love and security amongst her sisters. The evening went on and it was clearly evident that the sisters were happy for Karen. The sisters might've had their guard up for protection; especially Dorinda's, but seeing the happiness in Karen's eyes let them know that she had found a good thang.

Author's Notes:
How do y'all feel about this chapter?

How do y'all feel about Karen hiding her relationship with Drew until she let it be known that they were dating?

Do y'all think Dorinda will come around eventually?

Y'all please help me wish a happy b-day to Karen and Twinkie 🎉

Thank you all for reading. Until Next Time 🤍

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