7: Anxiety After Dark

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Please Excuse Mistakes

October 15, 1978
1:37 AM
In the quiet hours of the night, Karen laid in her bed as she was surrounded by darkness. Her heart was filled heavily with a mix of excitement and fear, as her mind was consumed by unwanted and intrusive thoughts that surrounded Drew. Yes, Drew might've came into her life like a whirlwind and swept her off her feet, but amidst the feeling of euphoria he gave her, doubts began to creep in the depths of her mind, and it echoed like a haunting melody in the stillness of the night.

"What if it's too good to be true?" Karen asked herself in a barely audible voice.

She just couldn't help but wonder if the connection that she shared with Drew was nothing more than a false illusion. The thought of loosing someone that she cared for so deeply overwhelmed her. So she indulged into her own insecurities and observations from past experiences.

Deep down inside, Karen had an underlying fear that Drew would turn out to be just like her father. He was a man who let her down time after time again. She witnessed the ways that love could deceive and reveal its true colors in the matter of seconds.

But it wasn't just her father who was an initiator to Karen's insecurities that pierced through her. She worried about little things, such as her weight, and wondering if Drew truly found her attractive as much as he said.

"You'll never be enough for him or anyone for that matter. He'll realize that sooner or later." Her consciousness said as it taunted her thoughts with negativity.

Karen's mind filled up with more hypothetical scenarios that would never seem to come true. Karen questioned herself of all his pick of beautiful girls, then why would Drew choose her? Karen's doubts lowered her self esteem and made her feel inadequate. What if she could never live up to his expectations? What if she could never amount to anything he wanted in a woman?

Even more lost in her thoughts, Karen's anxiety grew stronger with each passing moment. Tears filled up in the corners of her eyes and spilled out on her cheeks, as her overwhelming fears and insecurities seemed to collide all at once.

Karen cried continuously until her pillow dampened with tears. Eventually, exhaustion took a hold of her and she drifted into a restless sleep. Although she was sleep, her doubts and fears subconsciously haunted her through the night in her dreams too.

Author's Notes:
How do y'all feel about this chapter?

How do y'all feel about Karen overthinking the whole aspect of her and Drew's relationship?

Why do y'all think Karen overthinks so much?

Do y'all think that Drew actually feels the way Karen suspects he does or is she just taking everything out of comtext?

I would love to give a special thanks out to myraspencer8 for giving me inspiration behind Elbert's character.

Thank you all for reading. Until Next Time 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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